
keep driving the winter tires all year and replace them every other year

I was in Topeka for work a few winters back and don’t recall anything in town particularly out of the ordinary, however I will say being “stuck” in three-lane-wide bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-70 eastbound... at 85mph... was interesting. Good god, you people are mighty trusting of the person in front of you.

I bet they weren’t properly inflated either.

some U.S. states have made laws specifically targetting swatting and similar kinds of false alarms

The argument that prices under dealers are higher because middleman is flawed since that will only remain true in the case of a monopoly.

a massive bomb truck/cruise missile slinger

Reminds me of all the signs going into towns saying the use of Jake Brakes is prohibited what about the other brands why pick on Jacobs?

The hate comes from the fact that vaping became popular amongst a group of people who were never smokers, but wanting to blow giant ridiculous cumulonimbus sized clouds

From what I understand this whole “rolling coal” thing started with legitimate modifications that were intended to boost torque in short term situations like going up a severe grade with a trailer.

More than half our steel is already recycled, rather than dug fresh, for exactly these reasons. You don’t hear of scrap yards offering leasing deals on cars.

When you shut a reactor down, the rods are still literally hot. They continue to put out several percent of their peak thermal output for days, as short lived transuranic elements decay out. After a year at the bottom of the pool, those are all gone, and the rods are vastly easier to handle. Most of what’s left is

“Spent” fuel rods consist of primarily good fertile uranium, and inert zirconium. There’s only a small (<1%) percentage of actual long duration dangerous materials in there.

A lot of the cost of the Shuttle was in building a rocket capable of hauling an extra 70 tons of dead weight up to orbit every time it launched.

Oddly enough, it’s actually easier to fly something into the Sun by pointing it at Pluto.

Wait, is somebody actually trying to solve a problem before it gets out of hand and the government has to get involved

Give me something with an actual key - preferably with a transponder chip

As an EE, you should know there are no schematics in the article. For anyone to whom “this shit is too easy to make”, the simple block diagram doesn’t give you any more information beyond what the text description of operation does.

Dog clutch on the power shaft.

There are separate sensors inside the car. The car can detect whether the keyfob is inside or outside the car, and will prevent you from starting the engine if the key is outside.

I seem to remember him telling me the car simply shut off when it got out of range.