
The gates are too small to seat everyone getting on the aircraft, and the hallways are too narrow to handle all the jackasses standing in the middle of it because they just can’t wait another three minutes to get on that plane.

The airport layout is not bad, its just so fucking large.

Nah. Crocs and snuggies.


AAA systems are not cheap, and not unlimited. Taking down the whole volley would have depleted their entire store of short and medium range missiles in the region, and would have cost upwards of $100M that Russia doesn’t have to spend.

oh boy, would a hole bork the system? you know those videos where vacuum crushes a rail car?

You apply higher collective to one rotor to increase drag and produce a net yaw torque. You tilt it to counter the strafe, and apply cyclic to counter the roll torque.

Here I thought power came from the turboshaft engine. Silly me.

Violating a century worth of aerodynamic theory on how to efficiently produce static thrust.

Only way they’ll get out of sync is if you strip or jump gear teeth

There’s a couple channels in each range that not a single person is using in my apartment complex.

There’s a couple channels in each range that not a single person is using in my apartment complex.

Hybrid boats have been common for decades. Hard to find a recreational fishing boat without a trolling motor.

Lawyer takes a third, plus expenses, and the financier takes another half. Half of what’s left go to taxes.

I might have suggested that the sidestick move in response to FCS commanded control surface movements

No. I’m saying if you’re a badged employee, then you are a public facing part of the company, and need to uphold the company’s rules on how it wishes to be viewed. If you are not badged, and the only way to tell you apart is by looking at your boarding pass, that no one else is supposed to see anyway, I don’t see a

If only the gate agents know who they are, what’s the need for a dress code?

But if you’re not representing yourself as associated with the airline, then you’re not representing the airline.

You would think that, but then I was the one one-cheeking it out in the asileway on a flight out of Detroit. I should have never lifted the arm rests...

Careful. You can cause quite a bit of outrage by saying a 10yr old girl is sexy.

Do the travelers on a buddy pass have to be specially identified? I know employees wear their badges, but if family has nothing identifying their association with the airline, how would they be representing the airline?