Emphasis mine because that’s at 30 kilowatts. Imagine what they can do at twice that.
They’re already painting the sky with targeting radar. The laser doesn’t really make much difference.
How to neutralize
a laserany kind of weapons or surveillance system in Iraq and Syria: a dust storm.
As mentioned, I completely don’t understand the concept of that thing. So they aren’t trying to sell little 1lb tanks (something I had assumed was illegal to ship anyway) to fill the 20lb, they’re selling a kit to refill the 1lb tank from the 20lb?
Why are all those great ‘Muricans talking with a funny accent?
3) Seriously, Jason, what are you shopping for on Amazon? Should I be saving bail money again?
At idle, there isn’t really an idle, which is why fuel consumption is so bad. At full power, the gas turbine has a cooler exhaust than a comparable diesel.
If you merged before your lane ended, and you didn’t obstruct traffic while doing so, what could they possibly give you a ticket for?
What braking distance? They’re going like 15mph, and everyone is accelerating away consistently.
getting rid of that lunacy of a turbine
What the hell does transmission mean anyway?
Let’s hope she doesn’t get the nickname BUFF...
So does that mean I’m allowed to call my car’s interior bits “forged”? I mean it just sounds like they’re talking about injection molded plastics.
No heatsinks=no processor drawing more than a few watts, probably. It’s really not that simple.
The SuperTucano is just way too small. Sandy could carry one on its external pylons.
A 30mm Gatling firing depleted uranium rounds is way overkill for any situation not involving heavy armor. A 20mm autocannon would be plenty for most situations, and would allow it to carry much more ammunition.
That’s the same for turbofan engines as well. There’s only two flight tested variable bypass engines I’m aware of, and only one ever made it to limited production.