
Voice of fucking reason. These comments. :/

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. - Maya Angelou

I have been trying to find a Roth obit that fully grappled with how terribly he/his characters treat and feel about women. The only thing I’ve found that comes close to capturing how I feel about Roth was Guy Branum’s tweet last night “Philip Roth was the first incel.” 

Roth’s stuff was self-indulgent pap. Only a chronic masturbator would think he deserved a Nobel.

As a lit major in the 80s, I was forced to consume so many American male authors who A) didn’t speak to me, B) didn’t speak to the boys and men I knew, and C) were idolized by the male professors at my small liberal arts college. Hearing about his passing makes me pine for the great stories by women of his generation

Margaret Atwood is 78, but she’s having such a Renaissance I’d like to believe that momentum will keep her going.

YES YES YES. That’s the real story here- the guns. WTF were they doing with guns within reach of their weird kid. Or any kid. All this bullying and loneliness stuff strikes me as a distraction.

Nobody ever gives a shit about the women loners.

Maybe if he’d died too I could understand it. They’d be grieving, and people can do fucked up things when they’re grieving.

I too was a quiet loner in school who got bullied by students and teachers, and I owned several trench coats over the years for what it’s worth. I also love video games and have gothy tendencies, but I never had the urge to inflict harm on others. Granted, I’m a woman and grew up in Europe.

I don’t know if there is a “right” way for parents to behave and speak out after something like this but this feels gross to me. Apologize for what your child did and then shut up. I’m sure it’s hard to process something like this but it’s just not the same thing as having your child murdered in cold blood, ESPECIALLY

There is another poem that kicks off:

You know what the broadcasted version of this somehow managed to avoid showing? The armed security. Which is front and center in your photo. Watching the TV, I was a bit freaked out because it looked like it would be so easy for some loon to just take a potshot at these people.

...all of whom pronounced my name like it rhymed with “telly”...

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve gone through this.

It’s really such a dick move to keep someone’s dead dad’s guitar, I honestly can’t believe it.

I cannot wait to get up at 4AM Saturday and watch this shitshow wedding (congrats to the happy couple or whatever)

Yup. That MsPacman-esque trope, slap-a-bow-on-it!, is tired af.

Bryce How..nevermind.