Beggars belief that any woman could be brainwashed to vote this way.
Beggars belief that any woman could be brainwashed to vote this way.
I’m truly sorry those assaults happened to you and that the shirt has caused you and others offence. I had hoped it might demonstrate sisterhood, even embolden victims or at least identify the outed and the shamed.
For etymology matters look no further than the erudite Susie Dent. Next time she escapes from dictionary corner could she perhaps answer the confounding question of why Americans say aluminum but not sodum potassum and calcum?
So true and the SARCs (Sexual Assault Referral Centres) in the U.K. have expertly helped survivors address their immediate needs as well as maintain a reliable chain of evidence more likely to secure a conviction in court.
True - I try to point it out to my six year old as it all has to start with awareness.
Thanks so much for this - I can’t tell you how useful this will be in my work meetings dominated by interrupting mansplainers.
Hadley Freeman offers clarity on the inconsistency in reactions to Berry’s convicted sex offender past..