
You really misspelled Columbo there.

I’m happy to see all the Rosenstock love this year, but every time I see it in a list, I can't help but think, "where was the love when Worry came out"?

Look, should I throw some money at this?  Probably not.  But I really loved when they were in production on Maladroit and they were releasing demos and updated recordings daily.  It was a level of access and insight into putting an album together that I’ve never seen before or since, and IT WAS COMPLETELY FREE.  Right

I have only watched a fraction of what you've watched, but they are an enjoyable and kind of calming experience.  I've seen them live a bunch of times, from a house show up to several hundred people, and they always kill it.

So, regular Vera Farmiga?

So, regular Vera Farmiga?

Before scrolling down, I went to IMDb look at Martin Short’s filmography because I was absolutely certain that he starred in a movie with the big red dog. Turns out I had just assumed all along that the movie Clifford had something to do with the dog, and I was completely wrong.

Yeah, specifically, HBO Max is funding the Snyder Cut, so I assume this guy has gotten a couple e-mails from their fans.  I took the kind words about VB fans at face value because, well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a VB fan be an asshole online.  Passionate, maybe, but I don’t think I’ve seen the toxicity that you

I love this for two reasons:

There’s also this giant loophole: “This policy framework applies to current world leaders and candidates for office...". Because you know there's a very good chance he declares a 2024 run the day after the inauguration and that gives Twitter the cover to keep him protected.

Oh, I can assure you - the piss tape is real.

Ha, I hope someone was fired for this blunder.

An indoor arena in Philadelphia that was demolished almost a decade ago.  How that’s being used to broadcast anything is beyond me.

Ah, but Sam did leap into his great grandfather that one episode, so there was an established loophole to leap to a year before he was born. So, uh, leap into your great grandfather and make with the Hitler killing already.

There are some glaring omissions, however, like the Goodfeathers (the trio of mafia-parodying pigeons) Chicken Boo, Mr. Skullhead, and Slappy Squirrel Rita.

Eh, Wallace was pretty shitty last night.  All of his questions could basically be boiled down to, “On the issue of x, why is your opponent a doo-doo head?”.

Seriously.  At least ask for cashews!

Yeah, I really don’t get the complaining about this one.  Free with some commercials.  Like, you can pay for cable, and still get commercials!  And it’s finally available on Roku! So I’m happy to get the chance to really check it out.

Speaking for myself, the break is nice. It makes Endgame and FFH feel a little more final. Given the additional space between releases, it has kind of recharged my appetite for more Marvel. Like I wasn’t quite ready for Black Widow in the spring, but I definitely am now, and I imagine that will only grow until we

My two year old had a blast last year - we got back to the house, thinking he had been out long enough, but that beautiful recognition of free candy set in and he begged me to go back out. It was all very cute and he was so excited about his Mario costume.