Finding the one dark meat nugget in your 6 pack was like winning the lottery.
Finding the one dark meat nugget in your 6 pack was like winning the lottery.
A lot of this is cool, but the one thing that bugs me is the Bruce Wayne appearance. He's a goddamned playboy, not done Marilyn Manson fanboy.
I bought my sister a year long subscription to Shudder last year for her birthday, which was just a poorly veiled reason for me to get to watch One Cut of the Dead. Totally worth it, I loved that movie.
Look, I think we all know that we should live every week like it’s Shark Week. I’m glad the governor buys into that philosophy and watches 30 Rock.
I mean, given all their murder shows, they definitely are in the business of misery.
What the fuck is Starz* lol
Hey, uh, I know we don’t pay any attention to CBS here at the AV Club, but they are currently airing a new series of MacGuyver. It’s true! It’s been renewed for a fifth season! So it’s been off the air, not for 29 years, but negative 4! Soooooo, not that out of date?
This led me down my own Wiki Wormhole, because this isn’t the jingle I hear so I wanted to hear it. And now I know that there’s 6 goddamned verses to “Do Your Ears Hang Low”! Six!
Agent Over Andunwith!
Things I hope are included: Milton Berle jokes.
Ha, I did almost the same thing, except I did star it, realized my mistake, and took it away. Who hates the pure slapstick of Button's ever more frantic attempts to keep Mindy safe? Rita and Runt can suck it.
Speaking of herbed seasoned salt, I’m a big fan of sprinkling Herbamare on my popcorn:…
I just found it for the first time in the Philly suburbs, and it was actually cheaper than Hellman’s! At least per oz, as the Duke’s bottle proudly exclaims “Still 32 ozs!”.
I work in the clinical research space, so I can add some insight into this. It’s well known that we don’t do enough to address enrollment of minorities in most of our studies. One of the biggest problems is structural, especially when it comes to 30,000 patient phase 3 studies: you don’t find many sites that conduct…
The framing of this commercials implies to me that these are all the digital children of Cleatus. That’s right...Cleatus fucks. And as such, we’re all fucked.
I’m just going to assume that “this is me trying” is a response song to William Shatner’s “That’s Me Trying” off of Has Been. I will do nothing to verify this, so I can continue to believe it.
I’m just so fucking annoyed by the existence of Spenser Confidential. I love the Spenser novels, so when I saw the movie listed on the monthly coming to Netflix list, I was intrigued. But then I went on a rollercoaster along the lines of:
Jim Spanfeller Is a Herb by EMMA CARMICHAEL is my favorite giz writer.
To borrow from Cougar Town, Gosling’s got dime eyes, Evans doesn’t.
It’s a bit of a grab bag. Of the 14 films under the Hitchcock hub, only 4 out of the 14 are in the free tier, but it’s Rear Window, Vertigo, The Birds, and Psycho. But out of the 28 classic monster movies, only 2 are in the pay tier, but it’s Frankenstein and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. The 5 or so Marx…