Coincidentally, I was actually looking up Brendan Fraser on imdb about the same time this article posted because my sister mentioned “The Mummy”, and none of us could think of what he’s done lately.
Coincidentally, I was actually looking up Brendan Fraser on imdb about the same time this article posted because my sister mentioned “The Mummy”, and none of us could think of what he’s done lately.
Oh, great, we have a valley girl for president.
That movie was a beginning and end of summer ritual for my sister and me. I still think “the audience is now deaf” at the beginning of most movies.
As a newer parent, assigned seating really sucks. I had been dying to see the last Jedi, but didn’t know whether or not we’d have a babysitter until the day of, and it’s now really fucking hard to buy tickets on the day of and not sit in the front row. Same thing with Thor. “Sweet, my parents can watch the little guy…
Report: the sky is blue and Trump has tiny hands.
That may be the greatest piece of art to ever grace this site.
In Philly, it at least makes some sense in referring to roads by names with 76, 276, 476, and 676 all in the same area. And hell, it simplifies things since the Turnpike is 76 to King of Prussia, then 276 to NJ. And 476 being split into the Northeast Extension of the Turnpike and the Blue Route.
Shishito peppers are just the best. A couple of years ago, my wife found them at a farmer’s market, and when she asked what you do with them, they told her to just sauté them in some olive oil, add some salt, and pair with an IPA. They were not wrong. I started growing the plants to feed my weekly habit. I grew 4…
A tenth of the way through the season, they’re tied for 8th place in the East! It could happen!
The best part of this stadium: driving across the Ben Franklin bridge while the fireworks went off.
I’m at work and pretty bored...oh! Wine puns! Hooray!
I seem to recall watching this with my family, but I can’t really remember any specific details.
11-8. The baby started crying, and I stupidly thought a 3 run lead would hold.
For my group of friends, it was Perfect Dark. Set-up a multi-player in the garage, with wire-guided rockets and the sedatives as weapons, and a ton of meat sims. It was fun as hell to blast the meat sims to smithereens, and then when that lost it’s allure, we’d turn on each other. The winning person was whoever was…
I’m wondering if the Phillies were dragging out their search, thinking that Girardi’s availability was a possibility.
Awww, this sucks. While I loved him on Sports Night, I was first introduced to time through SOAP reruns on Comedy Central. Which amused my parents, because they, especially my mom, remembered watching it the first time around. When they first came out on DVD, I routinely got them as gifts for my mom and we watched…
Jack McCoy: The Undergrad Years?
As someone who works in the pharmaceutical industry, and done some light research about jobs abroad, I can say there really aren’t many Canadian pharma companies to work for. So that’s one possibility.