
It was perfect casting, because I can totally buy her as Patton's sister. In what seemed like very little screen time, there was a familial sense between them that other shows take entire seasons to establish.

In addition to those shows, I got about half way through Monday's Supergirl before my wife fell asleep. It was great!

I agree. That comment was just bully. Bully.

I was somewhere close to that feeling too, probably aided by my generally optimistic demeanor. I mean, I knew things would probably be bad, but they couldn't be this bad. I think I was also trying to be optimistic to help comfort my wife and counter-act her pessimism and despair. But this weekend ended it, as the

Slightly late on this, but Spellbound Brewing in NJ also ages their porter on Palo Santo, and it is delicious. It even won a GABF medal in 2015.

I really want to do the pre-order, but my wife (somewhat correctly) loves pointing out that I have too many band t-shirts. But it's good music, and a cat on a skateboard! What's not to like! I gave up my AMR subscription, but I'm probably still going to buy it.

Kitty Kat Dirt Nap! A band who's CD I got free because I vaguely recalled an association with Zoloft the Rock and Roll Destroyer! It's enjoyable!

That may have been the best line ever uttered on this show. Or any show.

Freakazoid quotes always get upvotes.

My understanding was that the street gang was wiped out by Mr. Rider.

Yes, it was in cans, and I was warned by someone at El Bait Shop that the contract brewed Psuedo wasn't as good, but I didn't know the can/bottle delineation. I'll crack the Vesuvius soon, I did bring a Sol Hunter to a beer party this weekend, and that was decent as well.

I live in Jersey too, albeit outside Philly, and yeah, I can't think of too many options. Kane might make one or two like that? But definitely nothing that gets canned and distributed.

Oh fuck, thanks for the reminder that Nosferatu should be out. Fall is definitely my favorite beer season: red IPAs, Oktoberfests, and wet hop IPAs.

I love Neshaminy Creek. They somehow manage to put out great IPAs and lagers. The Black IPA and Red IPA they put out recently were so good, and the Dopplebock they made last year was maybe the best I've ever had.

I do really like Flower Power and Creeker is pretty good too, but damn, I really wish CascaZilla was more widely distributed. That never seems to make it down to south Jersey. I love a good red IPA.

Local to Philly, my favorite is probably Shape of Hops to Come by Neshaminy Creek. For a national beer, probably Mosaic Promise by Founders. God, I love Mosaic hops.

The best example I can think of is Trillium, up in Boston. Most of their IPAs are done in that style, and very enjoyable.

I was just in Iowa for work, and brought back some Psuedo Sue. And it's good, I just don't get the hype. But then, Citra hops aren't my favorite hop flavor profile. I did also grab a bottle of Vesuvius, and since I love Mosaic hops, I'm pretty excited to try that.

Right? I had the rest, overlooking the Bengals, thinking there's no way that term is okay.

I don't really like coffee, so I've never tried it, but Flying Fish, here in NJ, does make a coffee IPA. Glad you liked your mixture, but I'll gladly keep the coffee out.