
He wrote some other stuff that was pretty great.

I've loved how Mike's used a different backing group for each of those releases, and they're all good. I especially like the newest, but I'm a sucker for Jeff Rosenstock arrangements.

Yeah, that's a pretty good list. For a top 5 would probably go:
Alkaline Trio - Goddammit
MU330 - S/T
Lawrence Arm/Chinkees - Present Day Memories
Slow Gherkin - Shed Some Skin
Bomb the Music Industry! - Get Warmer

I'm flying out to San Fran tonight for the 20th Anniversary, I can't fucking wait. The 15th was just an amazing experience. Not just the bands and the music, but the community of kind, caring people that have sprung up around this label.

AHHH, I had the same problem. Stupid fucking DVRs!

One little nitpick: when Stark is talking with Parker in his bedroom, and he asks why he does it, how does he not get around to mentioning "With great power…". It's kinda his thing, and if anything, would have re-inforced Stark's belief in the accords.

I listened to this on the radio this morning, and didn't turn it off immediately just so I could count how many times they worked California into the song. Surprisingly, the answer was none, but even more surprising was that they managed to sound even shittier by trying to sound like Coldplay.

C'mon! We all know that role is being reserved for Dreama Walker.

I'll chime in with another recommendation: Anonymous Rex. Noir-style detective story with talking dinosaurs. And we all know dinosaurs are the best animals, so this is obviously the best recommendation.

I like them too! I've already got my ticket to see them on this tour! I'm always surprised when punk bands get featured on this site, because it's like 5 of us that actually care.

Well, the candy was more so sitting at my desk because I highly doubted it would happen. But I did put some in a coat pocket when I went to a brewery for a special leap day beer, just in case. (I still have all my candy.)

That is amazing. Did you include fake gills and everything?

I'm playing the Criss role today by annoying my wife with Leap Day quotes that she doesn't understand. And wearing blue and gold, obviously.

I'm wearing blue and gold today for the occasion, and if someone else actually starts fake crying, not only will I be shocked, but I am prepared to hand them free candy.

I knew he was at least associated with the account (I figured it was him or Kyle Kinane, but I don't know that there was a confirmation before that Brendan was behind it. Not every joke hits, but the ones that do hit me hard.

I was talking with a friend at lunch about how stupid this announcement was, and reserving R ratings for superhero movies that would actually benefit from them. Like, say, Nextwave. Granted, that would mostly be for language, but that would be so great.

I've only made two mixtapes for romantic reasons, and this was on both of them. It really does capture that nervous energy of meeting someone and being interested, and hoping that they'll reciprocate. My favorite line has always been her response, "No, bother, please do". (At least that's how I like to the think

I thought the high water mark was the trailer for Thanksgiving. Granted, I haven't seen anything else by him, but given reviews like this, I doubt he's done anything better.

Don't drive angry now.