Don't forget The Captain! He's the Captain!
Don't forget The Captain! He's the Captain!
Personally, that's what annoys me about the Fantastic Four casting. I have no problem with Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm. It's great! But couldn't they have, you know, cast a black actress as Sue? Wouldn't it just make more sense than trying to come up with a adopted/step/half sibling story?
Footloose. How can you not know that John Lithgow was in Footloose with Kevin Bacon? Heathen.
I love them, and I'm going through them slowly, mixing in the Spenser and Parker series as I go along. All 3 tend to balance each other out very well. That kind of reduces the sameness of any of them.
Obviously, you don't live within a couple of hours of Maryland.
It's called Dead Rise, and I love it. But then, I'm in the MORE OLD BAY ON EVERYTHING camp.
It wasn't that far off in the first scene of the movie, but at the back end, I loved the logic of "People love this guy for all the banter and the whatnot! Let's mix it up by sewing his mouth shut so he can't say anything!".
One of my favorite more subtle running gags on 30 Rock is that the director for every terrible thing is the same guy. Jenna's werewolf movie, Feline Groovy, the United Way commercial…
I really love the Loved Ones S/T. So many great hooks.
As much as I love ska-punk, I just can't justify the terrible band names. Where your theory is most true is with high school ska bands. Terrible band names are their catnip. You just can't eSKA-Pe them.
I love these guys, and I'm really excited for the new album. I saw them 3 times over the course of Pouzza Fest last year, and I loved the shit out of it.
Here's how I'd rank the stadiums I've been to:
1.) Camden Yards
2.) Old Yankee Stadium (if only for the history and being able to think, "Hey, Babe Ruth used to stand right there")
3.) Kaufmann (though the hot dogs sucked)
4.) Citizens Bank Park
5.) US Cellular
6.) Tropicana Field
7.) Veterans Stadium
8.) Sunlife (or…
Yeah, just reading the clue here, I went somewhat the same route. Of course, I didn't know who Queen Victoria's father directly, but there's a ton of Edwards, so that popped into mind, then PEI from there.
Fox already tried that. It's called Sleepy Hollow.
I've always loved Ferguson's show, and a couple of months ago, I saw that one of my favorite authors, Lawrence Block, was going to be on. Mystery writers aren't that big of a get on late night talk shows, so I was pretty surprised to see it. Even more surprised when it became obvious that they're friends and that…
Never forget: Mark Millar licks goats.
Oh, that's not so bad.
I'd rather kiss the curve in your clavicle.
As You Were is the song that got me into them, but you've summed up their output pretty well. I liked Crimson when it came out, but really, I only actively listen to anything before it.
So do we get to see this tattoo?
Stupid limited release. I've had this date on my calendar for months, only to find out wide release isn't for another 2 weeks.