You can't find people who are ready? So? Aren't you the "not ready for prime time players"?
You can't find people who are ready? So? Aren't you the "not ready for prime time players"?
I was wondering this too. Unless the wedding took place after he stopped wearing the hanging chad, but then, if it was after that, why would the slutty pumpkin be there again?
I've been meaning to watch the first two seasons, but haven't carved out time for it. I was actually reading these comments to verify my suspicion that I could just jump into Season 3, so thanks for that.
I will also accept an ending to Desolation Jones.
Easy reminder: Ellis is okay, Mark Millar licks goats.
If a guy shoots a guy with a gun that that no normal person could hold or has pouches on it, then that guy was drawn by Liefeld.
I was there too, and it was amazing. I had seen the Lawrence Arms play 15 minutes on their tour with the Falcon before, but fuck, I love that song, and it was amazing. That entire 15 year anniversary was possibly the best concert going experience I've ever had. It doesn't hurt that I own like 3/4 of the AMR catalog.
Oh please oh please let Dean Winters appear as Dennis Duffy.
I watched, and it was fantastic. Even better, a contestant was named Erik Estrada. Sadly, it was not time for a shot of vitamin M.
I love this show. The odd thing is that when I talk to other people about it, they either love it like they should, or hate it. There doesn't seem to be much of a middle ground.
Who cares about Monday Night Football? Tonight is the beginning of the Championship Week in the AV Club Fantasy Baseball League. My team, the Great Hambinos, held off a pesky Knights Who Say Niese team to pull into the finale. It's on, Jakubazookas.
So is Clone Wars worth watching in that manner?
Watching the Price is Right this morning, it was brought to my attention that new episodes of The Rememberer are airing. So just in case you missed making fun of it, we have more chances!
My girlfriend and I decided we want to go to a drive in movie sometime this summer. It seems like the only one still around in south Jersey is the Delsea Drive-In, so I guess that's where we'll be going.
Why are you reading this thread instead of being out there, upping the punx?
@underscorex:disqus , I was mostly meaning obscure in the sense that they've mostly passed from the collective consciousness even more so than the bands like Reel Big Fish, Less Than Jake, or the Mighty Mighty Bosstones. But yeah, Taj Motel Trio are pretty solid. A newer more active band in the same vein that I…
@avclub-5a3c1caf1dbf113d58e21231bc8a0b25:disqus You realize how stupid you sound? No one understands/cares about different subgenres unless they actually like that style of music. I don't get my panties in a bunch because the majority of America doesn't know the difference between 2 Tone and 3rd wave ska. Tons of…
I know it wasn't the best season, but some sort of nod for Fringe would have been nice. And nothing for Hannibal?
But Swifties are so delightful!
NBC really needs to bring in some high VORP shows. (The P stands for program).