
I don't think I was aware of the Point Horror series, but my sixth grade class went apeshit over Fear Street in 93-94.  I remember reading a lot of them, and being terrified by some of them, but I don't really recall a single detail.

My first reaction was "Why is there something covering their faces?", then laughter.  Lots and lots of laughter.

It's been a couple of years, but isn't Chuck Austen the one that wrote the story about Nightcrawler being the son the devil?  Yeah, that guy sucked.

No big loss?  Aside from crappy movies on SciFi, Ninja Warrior on G4 is my go-to hangover viewing.  I'd be devastate if I lost it.

As soon as I read that synopsis, I thought, "What, did they get Cecily Tynan to guest star?".

I was introduced to the show thanks to Comedy Central re-runs too, back when I was in junior high, so this would have been around 94 or so.  My parents did watch it when it first aired, and were pretty happy to see it again.  When they came out on DVD, I bought them for my mom for various presents, and we were

Well I know that description hit pretty close to home for me.  Sarcastic, almost 30, and still going to basement shows.  Yeah, I'd say I'm trying to hold on to my youth a bit…

You mean there's a…Black Stormy?

That was easily my favorite Todd article, and he's usually a great writer anyway.  I was so engrossed, but at one point, it did occur to me "Holy shit, he's been going a while, how much longer is this?" only to find out I was only half way through.  Great review.

Oh, fuck that harpy bitch.  And her kid was cured with some super special treatment!  Guess what, you moron, that means your kid wasn't autistic.  Fuck, he was just a little slow.  She is the one celebrity I truly DESPISE.  Seriously, whooping cough is becoming a problem again.  FUCKING WHOOPING COUGH.  When I was in

Like most shows though, it would be improved through the use of hush-a-boom technology.

Yeah, my DVR is pretty much full of movies I've recorded off of TCM waiting to be watched.  Thanks to them, I recently got to watch some Marx brothers films I hadn't seen before.  Yeah, there are some odd choices sometimes (Night of the Lepus?), but they still deserve their name.

Fuck that, I couldn't wait to see this movie.  I'm not really sure how I heard about this movie in the first place, but I was sold on the tag line, "A Romantic Comedy.  With Zombies."  I was in school in State College, PA at the time, anxiously awaiting the movies arrival, as one of the theatres actually had a poster

But everyone can understand the inherent hilarity of drop koalas!

I need my annual reminder that we can all be something bigger.

Yes, that link leads to a dildo. But it's hilarious because they refer to Thor as a greek god. Yup.

Come on, people. We all know the correct term around these parts is 'megs'.

"You're dead to me, can-opener!" - Never fails to make me smile.

Do do de do do
Do do do do

I saw this at the Philly Film Festival
It was either this, or 127 Hours, and I didn't want to see James Franco cut off his arm, and a movie about a guy trying to find himself after a parent's death sounded tolerable. Glad to know I wasn't the only one faked out and didn't realize it was all about smashortion until it