I still fail to see why the Onion isn't distributed in Philly, let alone getting a Decider. On the bright side, without a Decider, it will remain fairly easy to buy concert tickets to HDB shows.
I still fail to see why the Onion isn't distributed in Philly, let alone getting a Decider. On the bright side, without a Decider, it will remain fairly easy to buy concert tickets to HDB shows.
Or an MLB team. Hey-O!
Oh, and the Specials. They are reuniting again soon, but the only shows are in England. Boo.
I was thinking Be Your Own Pet too. I had two or three chances to see them too. On Valentine's Day (ended up stuck on a shitty date), at a punk house (a family member's birthday maybe?), and opening for the Arctic Monkeys (I hate the Electric Factory).
Seriously, Jack?
For as much as I too enjoyed The Little Prince in high school, it really is silly to draw too many parallels to literature. But at the same time, I love how they title the episode where we finally get to see Rousseau again after a French book. Seriously, how did no one guess this?
Shredder, I used to sleep on your face when I was younger!
"For who for what?" (I know it's Ricky Williams, but come on)
"Not the Brightest Sharpie in the Sock"
I was in SLC on business last week, and I managed to get into the Thursday screening of Adventureland on the waitlist. I agree with Noel's assessment about Joel vs. James. But the other reason I liked the Joel character more was that I spent the entire movie wondering how Jesse Eisenberg isn't Andy Samberg's younger…
You want an attractive politician, look up the Ukrainian PM sometime. Rowr.
You've both pretty much nailed it on the head, but you left out one key detail: The inclusion of Bruce Campbell. That always helps. But seriously, other than this show, and maybe Chuck, why is light comedy + spy action such a difficult thing to pull off?
Well, Pilgrim, your logic fails. Otherwise Michael might have won some emmys. THEY TOOK MAH BOY!!!!
Glad to know I'm not the only one who refers to him as Batmanuel no matter what he's in.
You Are Enjoying A Promotional Copy
Call me silly, but wouldn't that be easy as shit to edit out by a potential pirate?
Littlealex, just be thankful you didn't have to work at Bradlees.
Richard Mulligan isn't dead. He just finally succeeded in turning himself invisible.
It was a decent album, but nothing fantastic. I much preferred their first album, and I think I even had that in my top ten when it came out.
Or go the Bomb The Music Industry! route. Record your shit, post it online for free, and accept donations. Also, when you tour, don't sell t-shirts but spray paint your logo on t-shirts brought by fans in exchange for donations. Profit. Okay, maybe not profit, but be awesome.
I just really don't see Y working as a movie. Yeah, there's a couple of arcs that could be cut out, but not enough to trim it to even 2 hours. Just wouldn't work.