
DAMMMNNNN DAT Aurora pace car!!!!

Thankfully he doesn't have a turbine track drying truck in the garage.

I’m still trying to understand what the driver of this RS6 was trying to do.

They could rip off SAAB and use a “Born from Tractors” slogan.

Whatever the reason, this movie is shiny and chrome.

That was one of the brilliant touches of the movie, how deep the world building went. In a setting where everything is rust and decay, describing something where Shiny=good was nice.

Just completely badass right there. The audio alone gives me goose bumps.

The car thought about rolling over and getting airborne, then remembered it was a Honda and got its shit straight.

So you’re saying this is the perfect time for the British to strike back.

The Corvette is a red-haired supermodel. Automatic win.

“lol you’re a truck” - 911

Great article, but you are bringin’ me down, Tyler. How about some nice kitten videos in the next report?

I know they won’t do it but I’d hope that instead of shipping them off to be lawn ornaments at museums it would be very slick if they instead rounded all of them up for a large SLEP (service life extension project) with more efficient engines, new computers and radios, and just a general fine-tooth comb inspection of

I mean, seriously. There is no other aircraft that can do what the A-10 does with anything approaching the same precision and efficiency, especially not the F-35A.

For all those who (somehow) might not be convinced that Elba should be the next Bond:

Tonight on Top Gear.

It’s sad that Dubai, the World Capital of Excess, has managed to lift a Sierra without going full bro-truck. Never go full bro-truck.

I see a lot of jokes but this is child’s play compared to the F-35 clusterfuck.

Story time!