
This is what happens when you’re having a Mad Max marathon with a side of meth. He probably thought he should get a head start on the water wars and this was the best way to H2go

The continued research has to be some kind of catch...a victory for common sense never goes fully unpunished...

At least F1 follows a cycle of teams moving up and down the quality ladder, so they’re stuck “rebuilding” a bit longer. If you ask me, I still feel the worst for Massa. To be champion for just a few seconds only for Timo Glock to go bust on the last turn has to hurt the most of current driver struggles

Another disappointment. Only in my dreams is federalizing a car not a thing and there is one safety standard for cars in the entire world. I’m going to disregard the fact that they probably didn’t bother to sell it here because it’s not a meh crossover that would sell

Sitting in that room, it will still probably have a better season in F1 than McLaren-Honda.

Still a great looking thing, despite looking like it got dual black eyes after being in a fight. I just really appreciated the detail of the headlights being shaped like the McLaren logo on the other models is all

Sounds kind of like an evil genius a bit off of his game. A good old Dr. Evil-esque vehicle where you don’t have your “driver (shifter)“ ever leave the car because they are “arbitrarily turning knobs, making it seem like they’re doing something”

(Not sure if anyone will look down this far, but here goes) My first car was a used 1996 VW Jetta. My dad wanted me to have a VW since we had a good VW mechanic friend just in case anything went wrong, and oh did things go wrong. When I test drove it I only had my learner’s permit, but could tell that something was

They’re better than last year for sure, but nothing compared to those of the early 2000s. The difference of modern to past is kind of like being woken up by someone gently nudging you vs having a bucket of cold water tossed on your head

Love having another team on the grid realize they can do better than silver and black. I bet I’m not the only one who wished they went full Senna-era white and orange, but I’ll take it!

Unless all of those headrests are there to trick everyone, at least that car isn’t one seat only. It makes me wonder though, what is the appeal for a Challenger with just one seat? Since not everyone who buys this will be taking it to drag on the regular and it’s not light zippy scaffolding with wheels like an Ariel

Usually this driver is saying “my VTEC go BWAHHHHHHHH” but now it’s more like your VTEC go “blub blub blubbbb”

One problem I see when taking a vehicle out of your hotel disguised as a house, “I feel like taking the Mercedes today...oh it’s blocked in by five other cars? Never mind, I can probably squeeze a motorcycle through...damnit who put all my bikes on a shelf??” (P.S. how witty must I be to be ungreyed?)

I wonder if it will have a function that enables autonomous tailgating so it can give the true Nissan sedan experience to the driver and the traffic around it too if it ever makes it into some kind of production model

or there’s this thing that’s definitely, positively, surely not a Fiero...

If Alfa had said there wasn’t going to be a manual for the US from the beginning this wouldn’t have been as big a blow. I wouldn’t have drooled over this thing for months and just been disappointed from the beginning