Came to ask the same thing. Tom Cruise, you are not ageless and immortal like Lestat. Stop trying, you’re ruining your face.
Came to ask the same thing. Tom Cruise, you are not ageless and immortal like Lestat. Stop trying, you’re ruining your face.
I’m so excited for this. I loved Going Clear on HBO and I don’t think this will disappoint either. What’s sad is there are still scores of non-famous people being taken advantage of by the church, a lot of them have absolutely no idea how fucked up it is. I really, really hope more info starts coming out over the next…
Fine, but wtf happened to his face?
I’m pretty sure the common thread here is marijuana. The employees got freaked out by a customer and hid in the back: high. Dude goes to CVS in the middle of the night looking for cheese and spends 45 minutes wandering around the store: high.
I’m confused about all these new drugs. Why do people do them? They seem to turn people into cannibals or zombies—perhaps both because I’m not confident that dude eating the guy in the street in Florida on “bath salts” wasn’t a zombie.
I haven’t struggled with drug addiction, but a friend of mine came into a large amount of money, and then proceeded to party it all away in a couple of months time, doing way too many drugs. I didn’t see her during that time, and was absolutely shocked when I saw the result. She went from being literally the smartest…
I’ve been sober for four years though...
I suffer from this and I never did flakka, my addiction was pain pills > heroin. Anyone else out there struggle with these issues in recovery? I am constantly “losing” words and can’t find what I want to say.
When you no longer see any way up, you look for the most pleasant way down. With the Cheeto in the WH, a lot more people are seeing nothing but down...
I know friends who have tried meth and the big plus with it is that the high lasts for a ridiculously long time, unlike cocaine. That’s why it’s so popular. Now you know. Never gonna try any of that shit! Booze and occasional pot are all I can handle. Oh, and caffeine. Lovely caffeine.
I feel so out of it- what IS flakka?? If I google it will I get put on a list? Honestly I’m still not even 100% sure what bath salts are. I guess I never thought their would be SO MANY new drugs the older I got.
I love me some drugs but this is one that I never got...why would I want to voluntarily take a substance that will make me want to eat people? It’s the same way I feel when I see people on meth, it literally never looks fun for anybody.
Dear God, if this season focuses on a not present Yolanda, I’m going to scream. Bitch, be gone!
Not only that but the whole point of this moronic stunt was the show the non-using public about the effects of drug use. A quick google search does just that. Hell, haven’t we all seen the meth mugshot timeline? Also, I don’t need to see what cops see. That’s why I’m not a cop.
It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.
That’s fucked. Heroin is destroying lives and this is the response? Not advocating good rehab programs, not railing against a rehab industry that exists only to Hoover up government money by keeping people hooked for as long as possible and relapsing as often as possible...nope, let’s just post photos of people at…
It has always bugged the shit out of me that these cops stopped to take a picture instead of fucking helping them instantly. INSTANTLY. That child should have INSTANTLY been removed from that car and that situation and his grandparents should have been INSTANTLY assessed for overdose. Why in the fuck did they take…
Did Gwen better than Gwen. Britney is Back Bitches!