+1 here
I think it's sad we have to use this gif daily...
I saw one missing (mainly because I didn't mention it. The old people who bought new yellow camaros, then decked them out with emblems and neon/led lights to make them look like Bumblebee.
2 of the dumbest ones are from AZ. thats it, I'm moving!
She knows how to change a tire, get revenge, and is recently needing a rebound f#$%. Whats the number on the ad?
How is it all 10 people about to make the list are from one movie?
The dodge neon srt4 flashing/tuning with a handheld nintendo unit
For once, FL is not on the list, nor Miata. The list must be broken
in Mexico, they call that model a tataho
at least when he hits a tire alligator it won't leave a mark.
An app for my phone that had a bubble level. You never know when you need a bubble level.
Does anyone else only see the face of a pedophile in this picture?
Anyone else wonder how long each fly by shot would've taken in their own cars? Just to see how I stack up (spoiler alert: not well).
It does say MazdaSpeed on the windsheild banner... could it be someone didn't look under the hood? My wife has a 5 and we love it. But I have always lusted for a maszdaspeed5.
sadly, just the tip.
Thats exactly what I thought with the video game thing. I couldn't help but think he just want the NASCAR driving experience (much like the nissan one in GT5) and is now out for his first race...