that other honda guy

this is both the smartest and dumbest idea... ever.

Guy who "knew better than Garrett" welded on extension fins, not only bad idea and unbalanced. The welding is also a fail.

Corvette forum. Guy said he would bypass the lag of the turbo by doing this... Definitely too many beers

Having worked on many NSX's, it all depends how it was fixed. A good inspection by someone who sees them everyday will tell you if its a steal, or might as well be stolen. I have seen some where I wouldn't have known any better. and others that, with one look underneath, you actually have a red front end, and a

After seeing this guy on the Daily Show, I face palmed again. Now again. This guy is making us Az'ers look bad. Thanks BRO!

Accord Crosstour.

I heard about it here at work, so do I have to walk home now?

Meanwhile, in L.A., everything is the same as yesterday, proving "news worthy" now applies to reoccurring daily events.

Are you kidding, all 3 could be fun... especially after some rufilin

if only crooks now-a-days had values like Tony Montana. The world would be a better place

I was really hoping for some CTOD nominations LOL. guess I gotta try harder ;)

I tried, but I couldn't find anything that rhymed with it... and blimp/boat sound more alike, so a better jump

way to see dad/boyfriend worry about her afterwards... thank goodness he didn't have small children with him

1968 Cadillac DeVille Convertible.

First thoughts...

at 5' -11"s, I would hit it

I was gonna make a refernce to that as well. like "fuck ice road truckers, and that other alaska show, we got blimps"

"Back in the 19th century, stagecoaches ran on a timetable derived by calculating how long it took a coach to travel the distance between violent armed holdups. "