that other honda guy

Just an observation, that guy looks to be "finishing" in the tail pipe. That is all.

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Not always true. Might I note the fact that most people buy them as cheap throw-away cars for college/after college. The genesis however does definitely fall into this category, as it is a purpose built performance car, but still stayed in the Hyundai family, so as not to upset the order of things. I love the LFA

we all did, you missed the invite...

Must just be me thinking "no thanks". I don't like it. Its not hideous, but its not attractive to me either. Just not my flavor i guess. I think because it reminds me of a bmw x6

I can't wait to see all the v6s with body kits to look like this... I see a future of dumpsters full of "Bumblebee" body kits, and lame lights...

Wow, L. A. is not that painful? I call shinangans, especially when you are around that many d-bags in leased BMWs

I see what you mean, and without a title, its gonna be a long drawn out process. If Ferrari can keep it in the courts for years, they will most likely bury the family in court/attorney fees. The only good option for the family, is if they have lots of money and a title/piece of paper, that would show legal

When I asked you to build a car,why is your excuse "im CAD hat's passt".

I will answer no more questions until you give me some answers... of the day.

Are you kidding? I would love to be taxed on it, just so I could sell it and make all that profit. That sounds like a perfect idea.

official last post for AOTDs apparently

And there it is, another useless fact...

r u attempting to start another?

#COTD Nomination for stopping a riot

Usually when in a traffic jam, they get snooty about being stuck by poor people. I wonder how they feel now?

I kicked puppies, and punched kittens too. Wanna get a drink while they fix this garbage?

why is this not a nice price/crack pipe

Thats just the gardener, who clearly didn't listen to the memo about parking out on the street

Nice ass, what was this article about?