
Slade was a trained ASIS field operative before any Mirakuru. He knows how to fight.

It helps when you have a lead actor who does a lot of his own stunts.

There are over 100,000 millionaires in Washington state, where I live. I would recognize probably two of them.

But Malcolm never went to trial, and thus everyone was spared the publicity about him.

When he asked about Merlyn being the culprit, and she said "It looks like it" or something, I became pretty convinced.

Could be, but I think I'm inclined to believe Merlyn when he swears he didn't do it.

Yeah, I agree. Although I think if I were a writer, I would definitely be tempted to have it be a red herring

If you follow Amell on FB (which everyone should do, he's awesome), he made a slight dig at Chicago for pre-empting Arrow for the Bulls.

To be fair, Oli also reversed his entire stance on killing in the meantimeā€¦

Washington state, where I live, there are over 100,000 millionaires. I can probably recognize two of them by face.

How often did Sara need saving after she received training?

I agree that this show has a spotty record with keeping its female characters alive, but I think you're looking for stuff to complain about.

Merlyn would disagree with you. As would Bronze Tiger, White Ghost, David Cain, Curare, Senseiā€¦

Half the people on this show needed to work on their teamwork skills at one point or another

Will he also go and join the Marines?

I want to see Clyde on the Salmon Ladder!

I don't think the elevator would have been twisted - wouldn't it have all been pulled uniformly towards the magnet, and then swung back once it was turned off?

There are lots of ways that could play out - she doesn't have to turn heel.

He's damaged and has relationship struggles - he doesn't act like a petulant four year old.

I assume the cops would search for bombs. They do that sort of thing.