
What the fuck would the SYSTEM allow him to accomplish? That's the real question you don't care to consider

And you wonder why Bernie supporters side eye you .... Bernie supporters bother you ... Really? How about Biden? The actual guy . The actual candidate...he doesn't bother you? 

And a vote for Biden wouldn't lead to 4 more years of trump? Are you stupid?

Yu mean the tantrum that led 90% of Bernie Bros to vote for HILLARY ....

Black people voting for Biden is the result of being LOW INFORMATION VOTERS. It's not a fucking insult . Low info voters are voters that vote based on things other than POLICY. Most Trump voters were also LOW INFORMATION VOTERS.

You realize that mean 90% did not vote for Trump ,right.....right...?

Because Hillary was propped up by the establishment while Bernie is being stopped purposefully .

How does your opinion counter the idea about low Information voters? Sounds like it supports it ...

People over 40 tend to be more conservative too , why are we defending their vote all of a sudden? 

A clue that what? He had the support of 4 other women of color .

Having Biden doesn't give us Trump for another 4 years? Can you imagine how embarrassing the debates will be for Biden when all the skeletons are out the closet ? Are you smoking? 

Lol what else could he have done , dumbass. Are you saying Biden did more than him? Outreach doesn't mean shit . It wasn't the determining factor. CLEARLY. Especially since Biden DID SHIT to outreach . 

How have Biden and the Democratic party treated black people is something that's never considered....

Does the Latino vote not matter to you guys? 

Maybe because, if your not for M4A , student debt forgiveness, public colleges then you are in fact a brain dead centrist 

Somehow Biden “engaged” black people?

You can't even explain what is problematic about Bernie, what policy could you possibly be referring to? Oh that's right you idiots don't care about policy

The fuck are you talking about . What is wrong with Bernie’s policy?? Do you even care about policy?

He failed to earn it yet they had almost identical policies....stupid

He has his plans posted on his fucking website....