
While not contemporary, the Lewis and Clark expedition ate dog towards the end. They were short on meat and dogs were available. It was still socially unacceptable, though, so before they made it back to St. Louis were ordered to cease and desist. Many of the men were unhappy because apparently, dog is pretty damn

Only if it was “Linton” instead of “Rump”

EDIT: I don’t like either candidate. Just musing over why there isn’t a different model to represent the other candidate.

I would kinda disagree with the thesis here. While I think the 787 is an engineering marvel and massive advancement for aviation, I think it’s nothing more than a trend of making smaller more efficient airplanes at the cost of passenger comfort and limited choice. The real plane they should be comparing here is not

Wait... the Amazons milked men for sperm before slaughtering them? I wonder if we are even talking about the same source materials here. Whatever Amazons you might be thinking of, they know what men are. It is perfectly possible for them to be heterosexual. This idea that the only possible sexuality they might have

Re: moderation, my point was just that in moderated environments moderators may apply their own rules outside of legal considerations. Not necessarily that they will.

Jaden is the new Michael Jackson and his future bleached self will travel back in time to be a digital prophet

Like this?

Dude. By reading and then commenting this article on this kid you are reinforcing him as a public figure. The best you can do is just ignore it. Don’t waste energy attacking something that lives exactly to be commented upon.

Because he makes for great clickbait.

Yes a really good balance. Part of that is trying to keep balance by keeping the human population in control, but it has been failing to do so because we are very resilient.

In my opinion not wrong at all. At any given moment I’ll likely have in my posession a phone and a 3DS/Vita. Why should I have to now have 2 sets of headphones or a damn lightning dongle to enjoy both?

Scientist show that rebellious teenagers are extremely susceptible to reverse phycology and manipulation of their egos .
Parents feign shock and surprise.

Dammit no, that isn’t the point. No doubt that is some of it for some voters (though I doubt independents will be swayed by that alone), but the issue here is transparency and honesty. Calling her out for storing emails on an unsecured server with classified info is not bullshit. She did it - it is fact. And she lied

No it’s not an outrage.

Go home, hug her, find your smile, and all is right in heaven.

Giver her a break. It’s her first week, I think. She is probably just trying to find her appropriate level of snark and righteous indignation for Gizmodo/Gawker/Jezebel/etc.

Unless the FBI was using that malware to automatically pop up the website on people’s accounts (or tor address or however this stuff works?) then they have no case.

The problem with this blog is that this has never happened, ever, to anyone.

For sure no biggie. Lever action and revolver style rifles are the few exceptions that shoot pistol rounds, at a much lower velocity. We know our shit it’s these other goofs that are just talking out there ass.