Chris Roberts

Let’s rewind the clock to about 1980 or so. Reagan picks up the baton of an anti-government platform from Barry Goldwater, after Goldwater’s acolytes effectively assumed control of the GOP. What followed was a systematic expungement of anyone and everyone that didn’t toe the party line, ultimately leading to the

What I love about the horseshoe theory is how much effort is expended on pretending that the right is still not closer to the far right than the far left. 

If it is the guy who’s name is out there (and I’m not saying it is), he was a frequent poster on Gab and an avowed White supremacist and anti-Semite. One of those alt-righters who actually don’t like Trump because they don’t think he goes far enough.

Fiancé. Please fix.

I honestly think it would have been worse in the long term if she had won. Drumpf wasn’t going to go down quietly after the elections. I don’t think she would be able to flip the Congress either so 4-8 years of Republican obstructionism and even more preparations for voter suppression.

“Imagine what these people would have resorted to if Hillary had won”

You can tell the guy’s a monster because he has a US Soccer sticker on his window.

I know you are joking here, but I think there is a huge unacknowledged problem in this country with people using the term “pc” as a stand-in for “stop complaining about racism/sexism/homophobia, etc.”

I would still rather vote him out than have pence ride the momentum. Unless meuller can get him too.  It’s all so messy.

It’s the combination of lifestyle and age. He’s living the way one can get away with between 16-28 or something. 

Your comment was a lot more worth reading than Blest’s hundredth edition of “more like DUMB-ocrats!” Thanks. 

I can only muster so much rage, so I’m not going to act like this infuriates me or anything. Chuck Schumer is who he is: a used car salesman who dreamed of more. He’s a schmoozer, and if he comes off as a bit greasy, well, in other times and circumstances, we’d need greasy schmoozers in order to get deals accomplished

(News flash, we didn’t have a moral compass before the Cold War either)

Oh, Spanky, you already DID claim that we’ve got FBI investigators over there! He’s SUCH a bad liar. The knowledge that “lordy, there are tapes” has gotten him and his flunkies all flustered, and they haven’t solidified their message yet. Did he forget that he already told Fox News that “we have investigators over

Because they act in opposition to Iran, and my enemy’s enemy is my friend military-industrial complex customer.

Trump would do worse in a heartbeat if he was allowed.

Yeah, the rule of law is supposed to be the ideal that no one is above the law.

Or he uses that trace amount of DNA as a body shield to do whatever the hell he wants to minorities. Can’t be racist if he’s black. 

Plot twist:

Your article made the point that it is about the DNA test. My comment makes the point that it is not about the DNA test.