Chris Roberts

There is nothing funny about the name ‘Teachout, an Anglicized version of the Dutch ‘Titsoort.’

politics is a business to firms like Hilltop, and Ross was a paying customer

The topper would have been if he used two exclamation points.

Bingo. That part is kiiiinda NOT a nothingburger, y’all. It’s not surprising that he knows nothing about military operations, but it’s nasty hearing them laugh after we had people killed. This oughtta be his Benghazi imho.

I really like Serena. I wanted her to cap off her comeback from giving birth by winning this. But I just don’t get why it’s so impossible for any Deadspin writer to say this:

Well, Omarosa has demonstrated an orgy of evidence that she absolutely sucks at most things in life.

Poor Sally Jenkins was actually driven insane by this spectacle and wrote an astonishingly bad article that could have been avoided with just a small amount of research.

I’m no Drumpf fan, but this is just her trying to milk every bit of her 15 minutes that she can (of which she’s already gone way over). Unless she has something truly worthwhile to release, it’s not worth the time people/outlets are putting towards her. Just let her fade into the annals of history and obscurity.

But it wasn’t a bullshit call. Her coach was coaching. She saw him coaching. Coaching is illegal whether it’s enforced every single time it happens or not. Giving a player a warning for breaking the rules in no way qualifies as bullshit even if you personally think they should let more things slide in a final. Ramos

There’s nothing more New York than a rich person treating the subway as if it were for the rats. Everybody with options chooses to stay above ground if they can afford it. Cuomo gets it.

Your comparison to a yellow card is soccer is way off. A second yellow card means you’re kicked out of the match. A second point violation in tennis means you lose a single point in a sport where single points can sometimes be meaningful but are more often not.

The initial call was only “controversial” because Serena

Come the fuck on.

they can’t make the Indians give him back, that would be offensive

Im skeptical about Cruz losing. Looking at the Governors race, Abbot is still double digits ahead of Valdez, and these days I dont think that many people split their ballots.

Omg. Pretty soon every play is going to be automatically reviewed. Fuck all of this. Fuck replay. This isn’t the goddamn Supreme Court. The whole reason you can’t challenge inside two minutes is because it would irreversibly fuck up what is supposed to be the most exciting part of the game.

So, I am fully of rage generally thee days, but this little reality REALLY chaps my tits. These people are enabling, undermining, leaking to journalists - they swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and they fuck around actively ignoring it for purely self serving reasons. And then, when it’s all said and done, they

“The guy who ruined the subway”

The bias does not contaminate the rest of the reporting because editorial board columns are not reporting, they are editorials. Helpfully, for those who do not understand this, the New York Times goes so far as to include an explanation (“The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the

I worked as a front desk security guard including in a condo building, so yes, I’ve worked in law enforcement”

I’m a Serena fan and was so embarrassed for her today. Yes, it was unfortunate the ref called the coaching violation, but it’s technically the rule. Save the “it was only a thumbs up...I have a daughter! (??)” nonsense. From there on out she decided to run her match into the ground. The ref had to give her the next