this a bit out of context. his comments were still odd, but he was talking about Acuna crowding in and leaning over the plate while also hitting 3 homers
this a bit out of context. his comments were still odd, but he was talking about Acuna crowding in and leaning over the plate while also hitting 3 homers
This is the right answer.
A twitter rant to decry a book based on twitter rants. You think it’s clever, but it isn’t.
I had Twitter, and I kept seeing Seth’s tweets, so I muted him. Then when they continued to break through, I blocked him. But then there were the screencaps of his tweets. In attempt to avoid the entire brain-melting Twitter cess pool, of which he is more emblematic than almost any other account, I deleted my Twitter…
I wouldn’t even say “fully.” “Proportionately” would be accurate, though.
yet the owners scoffed at the idea of a celery cap.
You’re preaching to the choir, TNR. If you want to reach the Trump crowd:
I think a lot of people don’t realize how much $717 billion dollars is, which is why the fucking endless war aspect of this all just keeps slipping past people’s minds.
Oakland’s not a small market, they’re cheap.
There’s been a change - Justice Robin Davis has retired, which means there will be a special election for her seat. So only the three justices are being impeached.
My take?
“It’s humiliating, it’s traumatizing, for everyone’s family involved, and for me,” Monahan told MPR News. She believes the demands to release the tape were inconsiderate and unfair to her as a victim of assault. “It sets the expectation for survivors of all kinds of forms of abuse, whether it be abuse toward…
TL;DR version-
I’m more than fine with pelting Nazis/White SUpremacists with water bottles and telling them to fuck off. That’s getting off very lightly.
Hi - I’m a regular visitor to the site and I appreciate your time finding these awesome deals. I wanted to ask a question though - Is there any way that more non-Amazon websites could be featured here? I ask because I’ve made a personal decision to not shop at Amazon anymore, seeing how little disregard they have for…
Hi - I’m a regular visitor to the site and I appreciate your time finding these awesome deals. I wanted to ask a…
I am a woman still trying to get out of a controlling, abusive relationship with a narcissist. I’m struggling with this, tbh.
Strange how all these calls for “reason” and “cooler heads” start popping up the minute a “progressive” is the one under the bulb.
Clearly the press haven’t done their homework about Proctor’s Theater and Jay Street, and the weekly farmer’s market that runs year round! And there isn’t any better colonial neighborhood in America than the Schenectady Stockade. It’s the sort of place that Americans dream about when they think of the ideal American…
Nobody is calling him Jimmy Saville, that man was a literal rapist and the devil incarnate. But it’s not great, and it’s worse because he’s Paul Walker. When it’s some middling dude with no prospects who winds up with a 16 year old because they’re impressionable and fall or an older man then while it is creepy and…