Chris Roberts

Joe Paterno had enough dignity to die of shame.

I was with Soledad until she used you’re instead of your. 

I was worried about her grandstanding at the time. Opening up the sentencing hearing for everyone to come forward and speak was amazing and an objectively great thing to do. But her comments in sentencing him were pointless -- no substantial good could come from it, and it set up this very clear issue for appeal. It’s

This guy needs to burn in hell, but our court system should always take the high ground. We can all wish for him to be abused in the prison system, which is bad enough, but a judge should never say such a thing in court.

Totally agree with BreakerBaker, crying wolf doesn’t get old to their base. They are conditioned to flinch at the mention of socialists and Mexicans, they don’t have enough self-awareness to realize they’ve already been through this 300+ times already and nothing happened.

That’s spoken like a person who doesn’t have a ton of life experience actually talking to the people this kind of demagoguery is designed to appeal to. I’m a white man from the south. I assure you, this stuff works on the people it’s designed to work on. 

Yeah. As a neutral observer, I wanted to see the humble fans of New England prevail because they always handle victory with unimaginable class.

Counterpoint: Fuck the Patriots.

It’s a lovely thought. Then again, they could be feigning terror because she’s also an easy target to demagogue in a political season that should not favor their party in the House elections, and they see in her an opportunity to hold on to their majorities. 

The AR in AR-15 stands for assault rifle and the 15 indicates how much, on a scale of one to ten, I enjoy making this claim.


No, I think the point is that ridiculously over-the-top hyperbole doesn’t serve anyone. To act like this is somehow the worst thing in our nation’s history (and that’s what describing it as “an incomparably terrible time to be alive” is actually doing) is so far from truth to make you skeptical of any point the author

No, his point was the statement that now is an incomparably bad time to be alive is hopelessly over dramatic and short sighted. More importantly, it is factually false.

“Smash the system” they post, from their MacBook Pros in an air-conditioned office, wondering when the Starbucks run is going to arrive...

And talent.

Doubt it. I’ve been on here since Kinja got that first major overhaul in ‘11-’12. It’s been downhill ever since to be honest.

Yeah you need to add the “for a Middle-Class Straight White American Male” asterisk to a lot of the stuff on here.

Did kinja add new features? Suddenly I’m seeing a save button. Does this mean there’s a chance things are going to get fixed and the platform hasn’t been abandoned?

I think it’s also because the word “socialism,” particularly in English, means something very different from what its current “advocates” (using quotes for the reason I’m leading to) are using it to mean (something that I would say falls closest to the “Labour” label used by most countries’ liberal parties). It’s