Chris Roberts

Somebody needs to punch the guy that keeps asking “What’s good?”

I think it’s worth adding that the INS had an enforcement arm. It wasn’t just doing paper work on documented immigrants and letting undocumented immigrants into the country. 

This is a stupid idea and is only being done for cheap political points. He could have just as easily put forth an actual proposal which changes the entire mission of ICE, but that doesn’t hit the Twitter soundbite G-spot quite so easily.

I agree with you, but the editorial board here likes to push the narrative that Saint Bernie will save us in 2020. I'm not a huge fan of Bernie's (I think too many of his ideas are big on idea, small on details or possibly of working). But, I think he's got a very reasonable response in this case. ICE is a cog in the

Bernie understands that ICE isn’t the problem, but a symptom of a fucked up system being run by fucked up people.

Counterpoint: Other than Lewis leading the entire race, it was actually pretty good. Watching Seb tear through the pack to come back to 5th was entertaining, as was watching Ricciardo defend against Kimi, however brief it was. There were also plenty of good mid-pack fights.

As with anything, the President today revealed that these protests affect him personally.

Did you find this Yelp review:

Merely calling for ICE—an organization, lest we forget, that is just 15 years old—to be abolished should be the moderate, default position for any self-respecting “progressive,”

When you’re a state government candidate you get to say things like abolish federal agencies to get elected. When you’re actually a federal Senator, and have been one for years, you realize things will happen if you do so, like ICE’s duties and likely personnel will just get handed off to other federal agencies.

A bullpen day is not the same as an opener.

No, it creates a perverse incentive to just plain throw the game and allow a goal, because then you achieve the same result without your players being suspended for the next round.

Everyone bitched about the chicane on the Mistral Straight. Everyone bitched about the absence of passing places. There were a lot of passes during the race, at the entrance to the chicane on the Mistral Straight.  Everyone’s an expert, even when everyone is proven wrong. If Seb hadn’t been such a dick at the start,

Also, instead of accumulating reds and yellows to allow the other team to advance, thus resulting in possible suspensions to your own players, wouldn’t letting the other team simply score be better?

The race was good. Jalopnik’s “coverage” was awful, as per the norm.

Reims is the history-junkie’s choice. Among other highlights, two big ones at one race: 1958's grande epreuve was the first F1 appearance for Phil Hill and the last for Juan Manuel Fangio.

Now playing

Pau immediately brings to mind the “danger car”.

In theory, a triumphant return to Circuit Paul Ricard seems great. That is, until you consider the traffic fiascos (make sure you read that whole thread) that were so bad they resulted in an actual, real life, official FIA statement.

The sentence clearly is supposed to mean something like “even with the deterioration of the rest of the squad, Argentina’s five best [active] strikers are better than the best five of any other country.” I know Billy is not the world’s clearest writer, but I can’t imagine how anyone would read this to mean something