Chris Roberts

I love the idea that even a single fucking person voted against Crowley (and for a socialist no less) in the primary because he was anti-Trump. He has no fucking clue. It’s still shocking that this man is the president. 

I feel sympathy for people who have been damaged by abuse or oppression, not people who were born into privilege and exposed to shitty, oppressive politics from their families, who have chosen to follow the same path as their parents. She’s an adult. Nothing is preventing her from understanding the damage her choices

Of course the Tamir Rice exception is garbage, but I’m not sure they’re exactly hiding behind it. It brings the total to 4, no? And yes, that’s only black children, but I still expected that number to be much higher.

I was unclear. I meant that arguing the number of unarmed children being relatively low is the hill not to die on. There’s a statistical case to be made, but considering the subject, it’s a pointless argument to make. 

While any unarmed child killed by police is alarming, I am surprised there have only been a handful in the last several years. It doesn’t mean it’s not a problem, but it’s also not on the same scale as the issue of black men being killed by police. That’s not a hill worth dying on, but I didn’t read the WaPo piece.

The last time they were in court, about a month ago, the NYT said Jones was counter suing the parents for $100k in legal fees. This NYT article doesn’t seem to mention that. I hope that’s been thrown out, or soon will be.

Your tips for making coach better are to bring a bunch of extra shit with you on the plane or pay several hundred dollars for an upgrade? Wear comfortable pants and get an aisle seat.  That’s how you make the best of a long flight in coach.

He didn’t vote down ACA repeal because it was going to harm millions of people. He merely objected to the process, and how it broke from Senate tradition of bipartisan compromise.

You’re right of course. But he’s a more personable version of Hillary, without as much high profile baggage. When it became clear he wasn’t going to run, it became a lot easier to overlook his flaws and embrace the ways in which he was preferable to the two options we ended up with. Despite being a shit politician, I

He seems to be part of this cottage industry that has sprung up within the #resistance capitalizing on the hopes of people who want Trump removed from office ASAP. He’s certainly been instrumental in exposing some of the corruption, and I commend him for that. He also gets off on just antagonizing and trolling Trump,

No shit. I’ll be bitterly disappointed if the Dems run another miserable candidate, and I certainly will do whatever I can to help ensure that doesn’t happen. But for fuck’s sake, if it’s another binary choice between Trump or not Trump, it blows my mind to think anyone on the left would hold out. Let’s get rid of the

I think we’re still a long way from him staying past the end of a second 4 year term, but the fact that it’s not completely out of the question is terrifying. I’m not sure his health will hold out that long anyway. I do think his administration could manipulate the election system to where it’s almost impossible for

Yeah, you don’t hear people saying he’s just doing his job when a defense attorney brings a rape victim’s sexual history into question, even though it’s technically true. Just doing one’s job isn’t a free pass for being a shithead. 

I go back and forth on whether most Splinter writers are trying too hard to be Gawker, or if they even know what Gawker was. I tend to settle on the latter for the most part. My expectation that they carry on the Gawker legacy is pretty unfair. They seem to be coming from a much different place. Only the commenters

Exactly. Splinter feels like it’s written by college kids these days. I was a wide eyed idealist once, too. But eventually as you get older, you start to see how shit really works. 

It shouldn’t be anymore, but I still found it shocking his advisors allowed him to do this interview while not understanding the very basics about why it was a violation. I know he’s an idiot, and he does whatever the fuck he wants, but this is so basic. Maybe make him wait until Fox and Friends has explained it

Bob Lamey has been a fixture in Indianapolis for more than 40 years. When I was a kid, 30 years ago, he used to umpire at our Little League. He was always a bit gruff and could be ornery, but he seemed like a genuinely good man. While I certainly don’t pretend to know what’s in his heart, I’m inclined to believe he

Absolutely, but so far we’ve hardly made a dent. It would take several years to get rid of enough of them to convince the rest to change course. Hopefully the midterm elections will take care of some of that, but most of his congressional protectors seem to be pretty safe in pro-Trump districts. Most Trump supporters

Relying on Trump is definitely a precarious position to be in. But unless Trump wants to risk everyone else close to him rolling over on him, he needs to demonstrate some kind of reciprocation and show that he’ll take care of you if you remain loyal. He’s already hung several other former confidants out to dry, but I

I don’t think there’s any way he gets away completely. Whether it’s state charges or circumstances changing so that a pardon is no longer expedient for Trump, I do think eventually he’ll have to cooperate to avoid an effective life sentence. It would be nice if it happened sooner than later, but I don’t have high