Because thats humanity for you. :/ They know they are hiding behind a screen and keyboard.
Because thats humanity for you. :/ They know they are hiding behind a screen and keyboard.
There has been a lot of negativity on Kotaku today. I think it looks like a good console. I just hope they don't follow the anti-consumerist rumors I've been hearing about the last fews months. (Must always be connected to the internet to play single-player and blocking used-games.) They should just get profits from…
Everyone has their own opinions. Some are easily amused as others are easily bored.
Yeah that does make sense. It would just drive a-lot of gamers away to. I have just heard so many anti-consumerism rumors on the web. Some said Sony confirmed it themselves.... I personally didn't see or hear anything about it yet. I just really hope it doesn't happen. I liked some of the things I seen so far and…
haha it might be. I'm a fanboy of all three consoles. I own them all and enjoy them all. I saw these kind of graphics when I was played L.A. Noire for the PS3. Have to admit though, the wind is a nice effect.
Yup I must be. I swear, this game can run PS3 and Xbox 360. Its just a selling factor for the semi-next anti-consumerist generation of consoles.
This just looks like GTA IV on a good PC and/or Mafia 2 on a Xbox 360. Nothing really impressive about the graphics.
I didn't think it had terrible writing. I loved Heavy Rain. Its' one of my favorite games on the PS3.
Current generation systems (360 and PS3) would be able to run this game.
The only thing really impressive I've seen yet has to be 'cloud gaming' ( If they announce that we cannot play used games and we always have to have an online connection to use the thing... I'm out.
Have they announced any of their anti-consumer tactics yet?... Or, are they saving those for release-day?
... And a krundel to you as well kind sir. :)
Figures... Fux News is always trying to pick a fight. :P
Just another typical day in the office.
I agree with you because I'm sick and tired of hearing about all this anti-consumer crap like "must always be online", "used-game protection" and that I can only play a game on my console, on my account. Sorry Micro$oft and $ony... I'm a gamer and I game at anytime I want without your "permissions".
Studios are not closing because of us consumers, they are closing because of the draconian DRM and piracy protection they've implemented over the last few years. Now, Micro$oft and $ony will have a big roll in studios closing there doors because you must always be online to play a single player game. Utter bull if you…
Here is my artist rendition of the next-generation consoles from $ony and Micro$oft.
I would have to disagree with you on this. I think it was well suited for a trailer like this as Kratos has alot of pain for losing the people he loved and cared for. Now if it was fighting trailer... I'd agree.
Its the PISTON which is supposedly Valves' hardware for the Steambox I believe?