
I guess the seller cut the check engine light or taped it off.

Keep in mind that most credit card insurance in secondary - they are only activated if your primary car insurance doesn’t cover it. That is unless your card is one of select few like Chase Sapphire or you are paying $24.95 per rental to AMEX (extra payment per rental to make your credit card insure primary)

I guess some of the banks are a pain in the ass to deal with (maybe it’s just certain customer service agents - first time I added it, it was fast, but after the jailbreak, the agents I spoke to were terrible). Adding certain cards, for example a BofA on which I was an authorized user (the card had my name on it), I

I read that manufacturers have to choose a balance between write cycles and data stability. Basically a flash memory being optimized for more write cycles results in lower stability of the data and vice versa. But more data stability = less write cycles. So the difference between drives used to cache data and long

I see a drunk asshole in a camaro, an asshole in a truck and and an innocent ruck driver.

This only applies to card present transactions where you swype the card. It doesn’t work for online purchases though.

Only problem is you can't be sure which is less risky (could be either one)...

I have never made a down payment on car. I have good credit and have always qualified for 0% financing for 60 months (purchased new 3 times $25-30k each with GAP - about $300 on average for me).

I can't even choose my favorite among these...

My dad (I help out my dad in his property management business when not busy with school) has a 2010 toyota tacoma 4cyl access cab with 6.5ft bed (I know puny) but we got it brand new on road for $16k because it had a scratch (not deep) and it even has some nice goodies like a rear view camera and upgraded audio, bed

I'm gonna go play 18 wheels of steel for next 3 hours. Then I'll hate myself for playing that pointless POS for another 3 hours after that.

Come on, lets be realistic....

Where are the wires?

Wouldn't it have been more fun and justice having the lambo towed by one of the towing companies (I recently read about some good choices in an article about worst towing experiences or something - I think it was on Jalopnik). Preferably one that's really hard to find and has a cash only policy (for the storage

In 2009, My family drove down to FL in my my mom's 2008 grey Camry from Maryland to visit family.

I had enough trouble trying to install Windows on my macbook with an SSD in the optical bay. I finally got it to work after shifting the OS X SSD to optical bay and vice versa. Bootcamp was no help whatsoever (I have been running Bootcamp since my first Mac in 2008)

Guys, am I doing tipping right?

I didn't buy one because I'm poor.

Is GM hiring Acura designers?

I also want to recommend Norton IDSafe which is pretty basic, but is completely free.