I love my moto X but is there a way to have it automatically enter driving mode when connected to bluetooth? The auto function doesn't work well when the passenger or me (while at redlight) grabs the phone to turn on gps or something
I love my moto X but is there a way to have it automatically enter driving mode when connected to bluetooth? The auto function doesn't work well when the passenger or me (while at redlight) grabs the phone to turn on gps or something
What people think the Drone will look like
I have Verizon account and an AT&T account. Both are over 8 years old. AT&T has been steadily getting way better while Verizon is getting worse. Actually, I was very impressed with AT&T and how quickly they managed to fix the issue (BestBuy upgraded my unlimited data on iPhone to one without VM or the 5S). On the…
Torque app on Android is the best (but is visually challenged). I also have some others.
I ordered a 10 pack of lightning cables that the ad said works for iOS7 and 5S for $10 total including shippingshipping from Aliexpress. It works to charge using wall/car chargers but connecting to computers causes the warning messages to show up. I expect it to fall apart in a few months. They are pretty crappy…
This color looks great on the GT
I wouldn't mind if some of the idiots I see on parking lots use it for front in/back in parking. Either half the damn thing sticks outs halfway to the spot in front or out to the road.
Most people here can do it more faster.
I finally got my mom to agree to get an iPhone. But due to the artificial shortage Apple is creating by limiting supply, I'm not sure I would be able to get it before Oct 25. So would I be able to add an individual data plan to her line even after that as I don't want to lose the 3 unlimited plans I currently have on…
So a bunch of idiots who say they stand for whatever written in the constitution are going to violate other peoples rights listed in the constitution. So makes different from the congress. I personally hope that they will be sent to rot in hell if they follow through with this.
Discover cards also don't have foreign transaction fees. But unfortunately they aren't accepted widely.
Since yesterdays news - the accelerometer has been bugging me (did notice it, but didn't think much of it). I hope its not a hardware bug and can be fixed with an update. I'm gonna wait for the next update and if it doesn't fix that (and the unexplained crashes of the stock apps), I'm taking it back (or sell it).
My favorite is
My favorite is
These biker mobs don't tend to stay at one speed. They speed up and slow down causing traffic jams and scaring drivers who end up in middle and causing them to do stuff like this. They just won't pass and keep going, They want to make sure the slowest person in the group is still in the group with the fastest person…
If you are trying to outrun a mob of dumb riders (especially in an SUV), a RR is definetly one of the best choices.
Thats how I always felt. The R&D probably adds so much to this car because none of it is applicable to any of the future vehicles (those that sell in decent numbers).
Captain America!
If you think about it, the french one also kind of sucks as a car movie buts its enjoyable and has way better casting.
I thought this was a pretty terrible from the 'car movie' perspective. Why?