I was talking about storage - it shouldn't rewrite over every 3 hours.
I was talking about storage - it shouldn't rewrite over every 3 hours.
I am looking for something small, rear view mirror mounted rather than dash, preferably 1080p that can record at least a full day (hopefully more). I wouldn't mind a parking mode. I don't need a display or video out - removable storage is preferable. Don't need GPS either.
Thanks. I joined the 'commit to buy' if it hit the 200 price.
I have looked at blackvue. But thats about the only brand I know. It would help if you can recommend me one thats about $300 thats rear view mirror mounted.
how about one that looks like it belongs in a decent car?
One of these. Learned to drive one of these too when I was 11. I asked my dad if I could drive while hanging out in my aunt's house yard. He said ok. Started it up and started drove around the yard. Had trouble shifting for like first 20 minutes. Couldn't turn it off by myself though - you had to pull on this switch…
Anybody here got a Blackvue and wired it to the car?
Just amber it! Everything seems to work properly in fringe.
He might find gas, but where is he going to get new tires to replace all the burned rubber?
Only if you want their program guide and on demand on your Verizon STB. You can also get a Cable card and your own STB like TiVo and avoid using their router.
I too have the same plan. I just don't understand why youtube sucks so much on it.
Try 3rd world countries - people speed like crazy on no median roads narrower than any in USA while avoiding pedestrians and animals. I have seen people go 100km+ in 40km/h zones
I hope the fucker goes to jail for a significant period. I don't know what situation justifies head on collisions.
I cant hate the mad Max style lambo. Its pretty cool.
I thought that I could remotely do it. This is kind of pointless. Most people who have Activator probably already configured it for more useful stuff.
I just don't want them to stop making them. Unless the 1440 and higher ones gets much cheaper.
I never buy anything from people I know. Something I learned from my dad as you can't feel comfortable negotiating a price that is good for you. It just leads to trouble later on.
I wouldn't pay more than $!50 for it. Its a 3 year old phone. Battery is pretty easy to replace and cheap if you are a bit tech savy.
We get ripped off for cell phone and home internet and TV while you guys get ripped off for gas. All in all, everything averages out.
Did you install the drivers? Try updating them if you have.