From what Social Media tells me about all this is that Ubisoft is RACIST!
From what Social Media tells me about all this is that Ubisoft is RACIST!
it’s a timed exclusive to tell us it can run on the PS5 until such a time where we can tell you it’ll run on the xbox as well.
pro wrestling dominates Twitter and they get an average of 1 to 2 million viewers. Yet Twitter dictates how everyone should act.
they all have something better to do
“Take a deep breath. Calm your mind. You know what is best. What is best is you comply. Compliance will be rewarded.”
how is this not a GOLD monthly service for $5?
the “no shit this was going to happen” award goes to Sony for not stopping this from the start
he’s going to be worse
You’d have to download it. It doesn’t look like you’ll get it shipped on time.
after WWE 2k20 i don’t really care for this anymore
isn’t this all about whataboutism?
Biden already has a bad track record.
which should be ending sometime soon with the launch of the next xbox.
it happens no matter who is in office.
Biden is a creep too.
he’s not the problem, he’s the result.
check out Scranton’s history with corruption.
Trump is visiting one of the worst cities in America tomorrow.
haha Orange Man Bad
And we all think Capcom knows how to throw away a good fighting game engine on silly DLC practices.