Social Justice and Everlasting Pasta4all

does the Steam version use the cloud? that was how i fixed my game when it wouldn't boot up Episode 5 and started at 1. I backed it up to the cloud and loaded the game from there.

welcome to the fucking internet.

Call of Duty,Assassin's Creed,Halo,Battlefield,etc all wanted another $20-$60 before you bought the game. Oddly the cheapest one is Halo which doesnt have yearly sequels.

they handled this quicker than any gun violence issue.

Ty Cobb didn't bring attendance and viewership down like the steroid era.

Tebow invented going down on one knee as well.

when you work support for a tech company that is on the internet? i use xbox live and called/tweeted support. I don't want to see someone from there calling me or someone else an idiot or stupid.

Yeah...i agree with them getting fired.

that's like saying Doom 4 will be Doom 1 with 3d models over the sprites

what's the problem with it? they moved the Start menu and made it a Tablet/Mobile interface.

thats not something to be proud of

so...if Mariah is aslo Black how does that "white america" thing work?

haha,so they won't have one single system that every game they release for it work on?

the DS was indestructible as well.

Minish Cap is on there for the ambassadors.

eShop release of Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow that allowes you to transfer to some sort of Pokemon game on 3DS?

at least 20 of those will be Valve's FPS so,you know, there's that

Saint's Row : Smash Bros where the Justice League and Mortal Kombat invade Steelport?

i used to play Street Fighter for $1 til i lost, now $10 is overpriced when it was $70 on the SNES.

Aren't we supposed to love each other's mothers on that day?