Oh! Now I see what's confusing you. I was saying Market Force instatead of Market Force(s). My bad.
Oh! Now I see what's confusing you. I was saying Market Force instatead of Market Force(s). My bad.
Sometimes it just works better for a man when he knows his wife is in charge. Dudes lime to be whooped too.
Blah...Blah...Blah. .. What on earth does your rambling soliloquy has to do with FOX NEWS providing a service to their consumers?
A) Thank you..
It's not passive aggression it's patience. I've had to explain this many, many times before & I guess I'll do it again. The white demographic offers a higher financial premium to content creators then your run of the mill diversity initiative. Considering how Fox loyalist are mostly white & old means that Megyn Kelly…
Sigh....Why do progressives have such a hard time with market forces. Sometimes the demographic wants what the demographic wants. $$
Real talk ain't never been a shortage of married bitches. Its just a matter of status worthy men. Bitches grab and take, nice girls ask and wait.
Despite his propensity to truly love his beautiful daughter, the court room drama was inevitable. He basically saw the train coming...the adorably chubby cheeked train.
They arrest men who can't make child support payments. Him trying to avoid the toxic hostility of the family court system is perfectly rational.
The Sarkeesian Effect should be coopted to mean Sexist backlash leads into a financial winfall. This movie has to succeed.
Ahem... Only good things could come out of the Us vs. Them mentality.
I don't think movies offer the appropriate respot for women's stories. The industry is too encumbered by market forces.
Are you kidding!?
Not fair! If the book was written by a dude it'd have more boobs & fist fights... & explosions.
They're most likely broken & failed human beings. Since there's no cure for looserdom they'll probably never be a cure for street harrasment.
Men don't Empathise. We solve problems. You want us to solve a problem for something we don't even know what the solution is.
Question, what value does Empathy serve in the long run? How is it in anyway different than lip service. Seriously, If you could fake empathy then what good is it?
You do realize you are complaining about people LOOKING at you, right?
Maybe we can't empathise with women because we're different.
How often do you call women cunts?