Yeah! We got Manic Pixie dream Wifed.
Yeah! We got Manic Pixie dream Wifed.
Ted ends up with Robin. What a chode!
Oh come on Ari he's a good politician who isn't afraid of asking for budget cuts on any venue. He's a fiscal conservative who's respectful of the division between church and state.
Did she find anything new!? No... okay then, Christie 2016!!!
Their not gonna get him. Let it gooo.
Here's a little taboo thought experiment, What if people were going to the movies to actually SEE Masculinity? Not this "Everyone is equal", violence solves nothing, "I'm a strong independent woman I'don't need no man" post modernist crap. What if we as a society were actually rewarding classical Male archetypes…
The point of this article is to commiserate and wallow in a state of learned what i'd say if i wanted to get blocked...
*Slow clap into a standing ovation*
You do realize that "Taking a long hard look" at a problem offers no actionable solution other then turning people into a mopey cynics..right?
That's not very healthy nor is it practical. Rather then going tit for tat on who could objectify each other back into an 80's era of sexploitaion, wouldn't it be more beneficial to live in a society where the concept of male nudity isn't met with such revolution, suspicion & hostility.
Don't be fooled ladies. The male nude is a hideous monstrosity know only for its utility. Furthermore, broad shoulders ripped pectoral mussels, and six pack abs are telltale signs of a murderous space creature....
Sorta reminds me of how bad Dr. Marc Lamont Hill got treated.
Well doesn't this brings up the question of whether or not artists are beholden to a certain moral ideal and if so, who's? I personally don't think it's up to anyone but the artist to decide on what he defines as beauty but I guess all I can offer you is capitalism as an easy excuse.
That's not true.
Shouldn't we at least try and make a distinction between "commercial appeal" and "beauty". People always seem to forget that these are financially based marketing decisions and should in no way reflect the internal preferences of the artist.
The number of sanctimonious narcissistic BW bloggers is getting kindda crowded too. SMH.
And the congregation said AMEN!
The artist has a responsibility to his own ethic to project the world as he sees it. He doesn't owe you or I ANY THING.
You sound like a lovely person. Is it your usual m.o. to brow beat people who aren't up to your standard of social enlightenment?