
All this worrying about if she's gonna be fetishized by Zack Snyder or as feminist as Joss Whedon we're not even considering that she might end up being a man hating psycho fascist ah-la Frank Miller. Yet people wonder why it's so hard to make a Wonder Women movie.

The best Female Characters in the Marvel Universe are all in the X-Men and Marvel doesn't have the rights to that franchise. They Sold it to Newline Cinema.

ahhhww.. You are incorrigible.

That only lead to Christopher Reeves being 170lbs in 1/3 of the movie and 210lbs the for the second and 3rd act. LOL

You're probably right. Who's to say that they aren't a couple of knuckle draggers looking for an easy excuse to flunk out. It still won't change the fact that more and more white students across the academic spectrum are adopting a "Jeezus H. Christ..The President is Black!"/ I never oppressed anybody/ You're placing

Agreed. It takes a certain level of insanity to put yourself up for constant rejection. This movie comes across to me as deconstruction of a man's crippling fear of'or the traumatic result of our modern dating market. In all honesty, this trailer wouldn't even be bearable if it didn't star Joaquin Phoenix.

These young men are going to college for an education, not to be endoctrinated. If they feel this strongly about racial matters then I assume it would be best to not engage them until they have shown themselves receptive to the message or better yet how about keeping these contentious social justice matters in the

I understand your frustration but people don't generally want to embrace notions of collectivised guilt or collective prosperity. I would recommend toning down the rhetoric & maybe using safe analogies. This might not work for you but maybe instead of saying white privilege you could use "Home Court Advantage".

Well if they feel bullied by a professor who's holding their GPA's as leverage, then they have every right to complain.

Way to sound commanding there buddy..

Well then we should take every opertunity to ask her what Allah perscibes we do to the infidels.

Let me repeate my conserns for you one more time. The 2 major comic Book companies promote a secular humanist mortality.

Islam dose not lends itself to the "creative processes", not now, not 8 years ago, not 8 decades ago. If you write about Islam, people die.

My point is that they don't prostlatize. I don't trust Muslims characters to maintain the same discipline.

She's already ruined. I give it 5 issued max.

No they are not! The vast majority of superheros are secular humanist Infidels. Where are you getting your information from?

Ahem.. If you want me to spell it out for you then fine,

I'I'd give you Kitty Pryde & Night Crawler but the rest are about as non practicing as you could be without someone calling you an atheist. I'd also like to add Superman's spit curl and Adam Warlock (*Marvel Comics version of Jesus Christ.) to the list.

Yeah not to be vulgar at you per say but when it comes to a Black James Bond!?"...uhm

Nope not in the slightest. Everyone and every thing that claims to be God in Marvel & DC universes are 9 times out of 10 bound to get punched in the face.