
Jyeah!? Add this to the pending gold rush of law suits backed by the Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act. Its going to be glorious watching company after company fold up under waves of jackpot social justice contestants & their multi million dollar settlements. We could all hold hands and sing "I am woman hear me destroy the

The little Republican in me is really gonna miss this pop culture moment.

I'm pretty sure the Ayn Rand wing of the republican party stayed home. Governor Romney lacked the moral convictions necessary to attract anything other then knuckle dragging theologians.

It's a deal! Economic Nationalism over Nation building all, day Erry Day! Where budget fixers at? Whoop whoop

If Romeny wins, it'll be a direct result of Ayn Rand reading libraterian women and gays bucking the democratic party. Its Rand & Christ vs Obama deal with it.

Hierarchical, competitive, dominant, & aggressive men create IPhone's and Pixar movies. Violence has nothing to do with our genetic make up in any way. We give birth to our masculinity by doing things women don't. The world rewards us for being your "opposite" and punishes us through ostracism for being "like" you.

Anybody who uses the word "all" as much times as you just did are setting themselves up for failiour. Pop stars, porn stars , Models , young adult novelist makeep more then their male counter parts. Why, because the free market said so.

Isn't market forces a suitable enough explanation? Especially in this instant.

Ahem, what does the higher suicide, incarceration, college drop out, murder & homeless rates of the menz mean to you? Very little I bet.

We have the right to keep it in our pants. Sorry dude but no one's ever going to support "financial abortions" for men. The idea that the government would sanction men abandoning their offspring is so stupid that I doubt that supporters of such a policy have ever spoken of it in public.

We are running out of resources, the use of computer algorithms & outsourced labor are shrinking the work force added to the fact that drugs and video games are like THE BOMB right now! Jyeah,..It's not looking too good for the U.S. of A.

Or maybe you all are just as tired of smashing your heads against those calculus equations? Just sayin'

Yes, the work women are doing currently is considered "lower value" by the free market.

Is "postergate" a thing now? It goes without saying that each party deserves a

That's why I started the organization Feminist Against Gamer Sexism....

I was trying to explain how it might appear to NoMorePasswords that the men who take NYC public transportation aren't giving up their "prize seats" to pregnant women because they're usually congregating in the back of the Bus.

I live in New York too and I'm always noticing how the first half of a packed bus is usually full of women (sitting or standing).

I betcha 5 bucks she tried out for reality tv before this.

Maybe it's our lack of cooping skills. We dudes are pretty adept at the whole "fight or flight" thing but unfortunately you can't ball up your fist and punch poverty in the mouth. You can't trash talk your way out of internalizing the pain you feel when you look into the eyes of your starving child.