
In general, weaponized liberal outrage is a devastating resource, and we must only use it for good.

Donkey Kong Goes Bananas After Realizing His Entire Life is a Lie

You could have gone the Fox News angle - "An important story your entire family must see. Watch as this poor gorilla learns violent behaviour from video games."

I still have my DOS copy of Descent and the re-release of Descent II, as well as the original PSX Descent....Barf bags optional.

I think this is the most fun I've ever had with a game I've never played. So much random entertainment.

in before the white men brigade of kotaku complain about their rights

I'd replace Wall Street with Pretty In Pink and I'd replace They Live with Top Gun. Because Molly R. and Soviets.

And this is how Bing got it's first users ever.

Buy him a kitten when he's ten. Call it Meowth. Help teach him the responsibilities of being a real-life "trainer" (caring for animals, living alongside them sustainably). This is really perfect that the kid cares so much.

They're American-born turtles that sort of learned how to be ninja from a rat in the sewers. I wouldn't expect them to be historically authentic. They're more interested in pragmatically learning stealth and self-defense than accurately recreating the traditional garb of semi-mythical shinobi exactly as they were in

Transliteration, not translation. They were trying to translate the sounds between two alphabets, not translate meaning between two languages. Simple comparison: to transliterate つるぎ into the Latin alphabet, you get "tsurugi", but if you translate it into English, you get "sword".

The dynamic range of film is still destroying the digital version. I got every one right based on that criterion alone.

That's a fair statement, a lot of people are unaware that Bruce Lee has had on cinema, culture, martial arts, and philosophy. He was consider the first international super star, and changed the way East Asian were viewed both culturally and in Hollywood. For the longest time Asians were badly stereo typed as bucked

It will *always* be the smallest jump moving forward over a given amount of time. It's called the law of diminishing returns, and you just spelled out two great examples in your post. When people got the NES in the 80's their heads basically exploded.

Phew, good thing Foxconn only makes iPhones. Can you imagine if they also made Xboxes, Playstations, Android phone, or Windows computers?