
Actually, CGI has done massive damage to the moviemaking industry. So many little stupid things get CGI’d, like having an actor hold a stick and then CGIing in a gun later because it’s cheaper to pay a graphics sweatshop to add in a gun than it is to pay a unionized prop manager. Actors having to try to portray nearly

The Devito Seed has been planted!

Superman can wear platform boots and always stand on a box. Plus, they can cast an even shorter actress to play Lois Lane... maybe Rhea Perlman. She’s short. You know what? Why not go ahead and cast Danny DeVito as Superman. It’s about the only way I’d pay to see another Superman movie because they pretty much all

I fucking hate it when rando accounts just make up who got cast in what for likes and attention. I hate even more that it works. Fuck these people.

Good news, folks! The guy who creeped on underage girls and sent an unsolicited DM to a woman asking her to “write a song about 9 Dick’s [sic] of different sized and ethnic origins hanging above [her] face, and then in the lyrics describe how they each splatter [her] with semen” beat the rap!

I hear Jeff Garlin’s schedule has opened up too.

Justin’s not gonna f*ck you buddy. Go white knight some other damsel in distress.

“My money is useful!”

“Luke’s force vision or something”.

Woof, did you get that joke from the Leftovers pile?

Oh, the pain. The paaaaain.

Honestly, it’s working better on tv anyway

The person you replied to is absolutely correct and I don’t know where your smugness is coming from.

I’ll be honest. I wasn’t expecting a lot from Lindelof. I just figured it would be LOST... in space.

Look, I happen to know there are at least three square miles of Tattooine we haven’t spent an hour in yet.

Oh shit! You’re totally right. I was thinking Doug Liman for some reason.  However, to my greater point that lends even more credence.  We should be happy this guy said “yeah... maybe I’m not cut out for this.”

Aside from it being Damon Lindelof so you know we were gonna get good product regardless

I’m all for the corners being checked out, but I’m really surprised by the lack of exploration some of the series have taken.

YOOOOO I have never heard of The Secret Of Kells...
I am absolutely watching that!!

And 2008 was the result of repealing Glass-Steagall, which was passed to prohibit banks from doing the kind of activities that lead to the crash of ‘29.