
Goddamned Voyager

“breedjects” you mean “how I get the other starters” 

But then you have to use their UI. Ick.

and will no longer accidently dunk himself into the sky”. This is such an awesome sentence. 

Hori pro joycon replacements have a single programmable button on the back. It's unbelievably convenient. I'm guessing since it's not on a traditional gamepad it's exempt from the patent? Or they paid for the privilege. 

OOoooOOo this is a good take. IMO that’s why these studios are selling out hard right now. Despite ridiculous budgets these AAA games don’t seem to be innovating much at all.

F2P games and Crypto have a lot in common!

You are conflating risk with scam. The examples you cite are risks, NFTs & cryptocurrency on the other hand are scams all the way down.

The “investment” part is the tiny bits of data hanging out in a database, err I mean blockchain. The “image” part of this neopet is the fancy bag they put your receipt in on the way out of the store. The way I see it, the resale for these things is just the custody of the receipt, and by custody, just whatever SOL

Yep, and the blockchain is a fancy word for database. Translating out of crypto-superfan: I bought a neopet for $500, look at the receipt in this DB. Would you like to buy my receipt?

I don’t know how many times I have to say it, its very interesting tech, but very few of the applications or implementations to date are particularly worthwhile.

Happens when they try to marry their vision with the story, and I won’t sue if I see it


Superior to TFA in every way.

Even the prequels, which everyone hates, still had that “Star Wars” look.

People shit on the prequels, but I always liked the aesthetic of all the worlds.

Bullshit. JJ Abrams brought this convoluted thing into being with Ep7. Every single point against Ep9 you could throw at Ep7. Its baffling that everyone forgot how Lost ended up, because this sounds ALOT like that.

Then fire the last guy and bring back the guy who made the worst Star Wars movie since Clone Wars.

Lol, JJ Abrams is famous for not being able to wrap anything up. Sounds like a JJ Abrams movie to me. There was never any plan for this trilogy. Its like you’re telling me Lost had a grand design or some shit.

As a straight white man, I don’t want to see the same boring movie either.