
I actually thought the anime had finished some time ago in Japan. The boruto movie was what had made me think that, it seemed like an epilog to the series.... Guess not

Contact Amazon and tell them they missed the guaranteed delivery date (I’m assuming that’s the case) and you should get an extra month of prime... Obviously only applies if your a prime member

My only thoughts are that whereas fuck is never said I’m the games there is considerable shits and God damn. Also the violence, the games have some blood in them, to the point that even using the minor amount shown in game would likely bump a film to an r because that’s how the mpaa roles.

Maricar needs to just drop the costumes and keep on keeping on. Nintendo doesn’t own the word Mari or go-kart, so lose the costumes and fuck Nintendo.

I seem to recall the original resident evil was censored in the US because the Japanese version was too gory... Funny how times change I guess.

I truly believe that Uber does not agree with the immigration ban. As an uber driver I received the following email on Jan 29. Now I don’t agree with all Uber policies or really how drivers are treated, but in this case I think they got blindsided by our idiot in chief.

I’d have to disagree overall. PSVR being one screen segmented for each eye and the screen resolution would make it less favorable, at least for me. I overall understand your point though

You’re totally on point with that comment. The sad thing is there are still people defending them and making excuses. We’re in 2017,voice chat should be standard on any gaming console, not something that you need to use your phone for.

So they will release more mobile games than most play switch games in an average years way to be Nintendo

“You could have filled the chicken patty with beef, squirted it with nacho cheese”

Look what the Google turned up

The above comment was not saying he made modifications. Mod is what the part of a vape setup that contains the battery and provides power to the atomizer is called. There are regulated mods, which have electronic chips that contain safety features and are safer in general and even more so for inexperienced vapors.

I think we likely will be dead before hl3 anyway...

I understand you’re trying to be optimistic, but this will not work no matter what they try. Anime/Manga does not translate to live action, with maybe a couple exceptions. It doesn’t matter if it’s Hollywood or Japan making the film. Obviously we have Hollywood with DragonBall, but Japan come through with attack on

I’m not sure about this, switching the style and doing away with the over the top animations, assists, and making it more street fighter hurts the appeal a bit imo. That was always part of the appeal to me. Im trying to keep an open mind but these changes and the chance of no X-men characters worry me.

If this doesn’t have Wolverine and other X-men characters I’m honestly not sure I want it. This really needs to be allowed to be its own thing and mine all marvel comic properties

Yeah, because half naked characters in videogames are something only Kojima does. And I forgot Quiet was the first half naked female in a game... Wait you mean she wasn’t and you should look to pretty much any fighting game. At least he gave a half asked reason for her to be almost naked. People just getting too

I see a lot of people going after ubi for the patch, but ubi isn’t really the problem here, nor is the content. The nudity can be in the game, nothing prevents that at all. The issue is Sony banning users for using the built in “share” function of the console. Apparently sharing nudity is something Sony doesn’t

So this is how they keep the movies and TV separate. This was the one movie that would have forced a more substantial link.

A console will theoretically be able to get more performance from a lesser card given optimization. Also there is less running in the background using resources than on pc. So an equivalent pc card just doesn’t tell the whole story