
One tank of diesel in this puppy, an hour or two wheeling it around the car to melt the ice and you’re home free, no bent suspension necessary...

“An hour later, I was sitting in the passenger seat of his BMW Z4, driving behind a Triple-A tow truck over the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge into New Jersey.”

Um, a cursory web search shows a Sascha working for AMG, no Tascha to be found. A check of Sascha’s Facebook profile shows him to be very much a man, and what do you know, he even has a pic of his signed engine plaque. I’m sure women make great engines, but that AMG was made by my MAN Sascha!

·Perhaps learn to read, Sascha Peukert is certainly a man. As if a woman would be capable of forging such a magnificent machine. Go back to Jezebel you bleeding heart feminist! /s

Today, we learn that Stef Schrader doesn’t know what the word “sketchy” means.

Is there as reason why this high pressure clean air is not directly pushed into the cylinders instead of the exhaust system (where it causes the turbo to push high pressure air into the cylinders, albeit at a slight mechanical loss)?

Is the flower vase located on the right or left side of the steering column? What was the standard material, aluminium brushed or acrylic? Hope to find one of the brushed alu variants for the missus.

want. I hope this process gets easier as time goes on. These things are amazing and super reliable and easy to maintain and drive.

Why not find a wrecked Hummer in a junkyard, take the VIN, and make a salvage title?

Why not find a wrecked Hummer in a junkyard, take the VIN, and make a salvage title?

What will be interesting is to find out what this “temperature conditioning” actually is.

VW’s 2015+ EA288 engines have a lot of trickery in the cooling system to help the engine warm up significantly quicker. This includes a couple of valves that block off certain parts of the cooling system during warm up, a large

Right, because you need a super fast weapon to hit those pesky cables... You are not a very smart person are you?

Why must muscles be flexed like this? Are the top brass such idiots? The recent meeting with Jinping was a success, tensions were cooled, and cooperation agreed to. Why ruin that good will with such a useless provocation? What benefit do we have from sailing through there? Any discontent with the situation was surely


As opposed to the US’s agenda, use highly advanced drones to inflict collateral damage and most importantly name everyone killed in the damage “terrorists”

When I was visiting Germany a few years back I watch some young kids playing in the schoolyard on a loud 2 stroke micro cycle tearing around the track around a sporting field having a great fun time while old people watched. I could only think to myself......in my town......some Asshat person would call the cops and

Yes, but as a native of the frozen north it’s my sacred duty to be a smartass about it.

Why don’t we have giant airships?

“a serious threat to the region?”

as Gloria responded I am shocked that any one can make $6421 in four weeks on the internet. have you read this site link http://qr.net/j6oK