
This seems super fun. I wish that Catherine had come out on PC too

Haley really turned me off to her at the beginning, cause she was so insulting and dismissive. Penny was my bottom b so far, but Haley became a dark horse

I’m still playing stardew valley. I’m mid wauly through summer, with just Maru and Abigail left to romance. I was really surprised by Haley’s story, as she really came around to liking the country without changing her personality. I just wish that there was more story for them after the romance part. Instead it comes

Stick to strawberry.

How would I beat that team? Horse tranquilizer in their cereal

I’ll give him this, darabont is standing behind what he said. Most people would try to deflect this and slink away

Alfie Allen looks like his mom dressed him for picture day at school

He has the dumbest fucking smile and just a constant look of someone who has to constantly reference flash cards with emotional faces on them, not because he has autism, but because the muscles on his face don’t work properly.

The biggest lie is not that David Brooks as a friend who only has a high school education, but that David Brooks has a friend.

I’m pretty sure the HAD game doesn’t have the licensed music in it. I bought it way back, but only played it like once or twice

Fair enough. I wouldn’t stand behind the only cold weather argument either, since that would cover very few areas of the most northern parts of the country. The southern States do not scream “hockey country”, however

Alive peeing? No that is not me. I do my peeing in the corner, damnit

I’ll be honest. That wall mural? Not bad. Maybe not as a giant mural, but not bad

She was great in spiderman. Two things that my wife and I agreed on though:

If it was hard to market, we would just see weird trailers in odd spots. If we aren’t seeing anything, it will unfortunately be shit.

Edited for clarity. It was autocorrected from play in to playing

I know that they are played indoors, and am aware of general refrigerator technology that allows ice rinks to exist. The question is more why does a hockey team play in a swamp.

Why the hell do all these towns, with average outdoor temperatures equal to the temperature of Satan’s butt crack, have hockey teams?

That is super cold. Misty is many people’s original waifu

Now this bastard here? I want everyone to know he is a man’s man. He’s a man’s man’s man. If there is an animal he hasn’t killed, then he hasn’t met and killed it yet.