
You madensome great points about why sales have slumped for marvel beth. I think maybe the sentiment that he was trying to get across is that marvel has tried to treat the diversity problem by throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. Its a valid strategy, but at this point they need to apply a little

They all look like the titans from attack on titan

I called the bandana my Stevie van zant bandana. The guitarist from the e street band

Alternative head line:

In that video, there really doesnt seem like there is anything that indicates that it is running on an emulator

That statement from bioware is complete bullshit. They only offer up a token defense of “thats not their position and you shouldnt pick on people”. The reason she is getting attacked is not because she worked in animation or mo-cap, but because she is a woman. She is being attacked by MRAs and misogynists. They and ea

Haribo are fucking gross. Albanse gummies fucking rock the shit out of them

There are also green horses too

These are some good points. I didnt really consider the influence from divorce, as its not really something i have a lot of experience with in my life. This deinitely speaks more towards his views than the financial crisis of 2008

There is no way, that a man who was in his early 50s at the time, didnt have his personal politics set in stone by then. And, as hamno points out, his actions since then are leading in the exact opposite direction of preventing another situation as to what happened to his father.

The last one is obviously the best

I feel like all of the names in this story are made up

Darren romeos magic show was amazing. I also recommend magic mushroom pizza (there are several around there), the madame toussaints wax muesuem, and the old mill resturant for breakfast.

My sister used to be a professional puppeteer (high level acting job based on a movie you definitely saw). She told me that the style of puppeteering for muppets was actually called “muppeteering”, and was looked down upon in the puppet industry as the incorrect way to perform. Most stage level puppets are created

I dont have any concrete examples, just ancedotes and heresay. The examples that you linked are the most well known amd documented.

Whelp, there goes my enjoyment of did you know gaming

Im not saying whether these changes are good or bad, just how they came about.

Back in the 80s, people called corporate raiders would buy up companies who had more assests than liabilities amd liquidate the companies (sell everything that wasnt bolted down for cash money). The golden parachute developed as a counter to this, as any new majority shareholder would fire the old ceo and put in

“Republicans needed a villain to run against, and they chose Obama”

Planet hulk would just turn out to be another john carter of mars. Since that is exactly what it is. I know that universal has the hulk rights currently, but disney bombed it big time with jcm, and i imagine that there is more than a little sour taste in their mouths still