Mr Clutch

Your right, I am a 70's baby and growing up shit like this was very very rare. only in the last 14 years has it been really bad. We had how many school shooting in that time, I don't know what happened from my generation to the one that that came after mine these kids have become so out of control.

Hmm could this be a result of the timeout generation.

The 80's were horrible, in the 90's we had the SVT cobra jet and corvette was trying to make a comeback. And no I am not one of those, but I am a big proponent of someone who buys a six cylinder muscle car because they can't afford an eight that's fine, but if they buy one with a six because they want to save money on

To all the bailed out American car companies, thank you for showing the world of how to run a business to the ground. I don't care about other car companies from around the world just the big three that is were my beef lies.

Since it's very rare I get compliments, I thank you. It's my fault, I stink when it comes to writing posts I let my emotions dictate my writing. But sometimes I pull a diamond out of the muck.

Or as I like to call him Mohamed HIV.

This is a bad week for the people of Mass operating vehicals, keep saying they are the worst drivers but I keep getting rebuffed every time. I should know I visit Mass a few times a year, most people I know up there don't wear or never used a seat belt. The way I see it if someone does not care for their own personal

Look it's not much to ask for 300 hp, in a small car that is perfect. People who say 200hp is enough, are like the people who say money does not buy you happiness. No it's not and hell yes it does.

Holy shit it's Stephanie and Daniel Butabi. I did not know these guys had female counterparts.

My car is a perfect example, everybody thinks I get great fuel economy and I thought so as well but in reality I have a 16 gallon tank that only gets me 240 miles when full. So when I fuck around it gets worse.

I am sorry but in a sports car fuel economy is an oxymoron. I know they are making strides and making sports cars that are more fuel efficient. But when I buy a sports car I know I am sacrificing gas mileage for power which is fine by me. If I want gas savings I would buy a Prius and put carbon fiber every where.

I hate to say this but beige cars come with 250-300hp. 200 hp is so 90's 300 should be the bench mark for all sports cars. 200hp is anemic and bullshit sorry. I am not asking for 400hp just 300 that's it.

I don't get it I have been driving stick for over ten years, and everybody always complains about clutch engagement. It makes no sense because everybody sets up their clutches differently, that means there is a learning curve with most manuals. In other words once you figure out how to work the clutch in a particular

I know thank you, it's like yea thanks for a car we want but an engine that nobody cares about. What bothers me is that everybody is happy with 200hp, people always saying it does not need anymore than that and thats bullshit it does. Beige cars come with 250-300hp why should a car considered a sports car have any

Okay thanks, I just asked because someone said that carbon fiber fades and de-laminates so I thought if that is a common problem why not just paint it. I know the ooh look I have a carbon fiber hood, but for me I would want to save the weight and not stick out. I don't drive on a track, I would like to be low key

Happy Racer should be changer to I Just Shit My Pants Racer.

Come on man , how much dose paint weight. I am losing an 80 pound hood and replacing it with a 20 pound hood (I am just throwing numbers out there) would 4 ounces of paint really make a difference when I am already losing so much weight.

I would get an FR-S and just stick an STI motor in it, fuck it why not. They should make 300hp the bench mark hp for the John Cooper Works, Golf R, the cars mentioned here, civic SI, Miata yes I said it, focus, abarth, Because 300hp in a small car for me is perfect. Most of these cars come with 200 already, how hard

You can't paint it to match the color of the car. To me carbon fiber looks really unattractive on a car, hoods, fenders small pieces are okay I guess.