Obviously the fan thought he had low POTASSIUM levels, that's why he threw the banana. People please stop making this racial, don't turn one banana in to a mountain of pudding.
Obviously the fan thought he had low POTASSIUM levels, that's why he threw the banana. People please stop making this racial, don't turn one banana in to a mountain of pudding.
It's a 2002 that has been Frankensteined, I can buy one for 10k right now. So this guy can eat a bag of dicks with Aids on them. Just because this guy decided too waste all his money creating what ever his heart desired, does not mean he can add that to the price of the car. 10k was the most expensive one I found and…
Because the target market that wanted them were priced out. Not a lot of people can afford to pay 150k for a Nisimo GTR, even if they can mange it maintenance is expensive.
Enough already, this has been the week of hell for race relations. I thought they put the pitchforks and torches away.
A woman went to the bar with a black eye." How'd ya get that?" asked the bartender." From my husband," she replied." But I thought he was out of town?" he asked." So did I!" she said.
I am always amazed when I see footage like this, amazed at how a shoe just pop off someones foot and goes soaring in the air. The shoe was still in the air when he hit the ground.
I can't stop laughing is there something wrong with me.
Now I know you have 0 sense of humor sorrry, I will cyst and decease imitatively with all the jokes I apologist I did not know I was dealing with someone with out a funny bone. I am moving on thank you.
Look I am not mad at you, I understand it's the wrong words too use but it was in fun. I am not going to apologies, I said what I said and I feel that it was not that derogatory I still don't. Like some other words meant to describe gay people that are far worse than the gays.
I know, I was making a funny.
Pink happens to be the default color for the gays.
People in Hells Kitchen people not making six figures who only live a block away, nobody lives east of eighth avenue until you get to third avenue. And the Broadway theater district is between eight and sixth avenue from 42 to 51 street.
No, it's not racist if it's true.
They cleaned up Times Square a little too much, remember they stuck a Theme Park in the middle of a neighborhood. So lets say a gallon of milk cost $6 in that area, but ten blocks away it's $4 just because they live in the tourist area not fair. This is something people should know about NYC I left a link.
I was not complaining I like the clean cars, I wanted to show what it was like when I was growing up. So I put that picture up to represent a time in my life.