“The problem, however, is that while we here at Jalopnik might subscribe to a “less is more” way of thinking .....”
“The problem, however, is that while we here at Jalopnik might subscribe to a “less is more” way of thinking .....”
With regard to taxes from awards and settlements, the above is correct - it’s taxable, UNLESS exempted because it is an award for sickness or injury. The IRS has a whole paper on this: http://tinyurl.com/hl7k6jy
With regard to state and local taxes — sort of. You’ve already had the opportunity to deduct those taxes…
Especially when said cyclists only obey the road rules they want to, and run through red lights
When do I get my cheque from George? Can he do direct deposit?
I surf pretty much every single day and even I’m terrified of the ocean.
No you don’t. Rescuing the stupid person is just as important as rescuing the prepared person using good judgment who got unlucky. That’s the reason we have a Coast Guard. We’re paying for them anyway and the incremental cost of saving a few idiots isn’t worth trying to recoup.
Never misunderestimate the stupidity of a modern republican president.
In fairness, I seem to recall (perhaps mistakenly) that an early Rickover protege and trained nuclear engineer said “nucular” while President.
Curiously absent in every Republican military budget increase:
How about a damn icebreaker, which we need DIRELY
That’s actually not entirely true. Almost every single Part 139 airport is largely self-sustaining based on revenue. There are PFC charges that are collected on the federal level but that revenue is generated from tickets. And airports generally use revenue bonds not municipal bonds (although they’re mostly backed by…
Or Japan.
Government always picks winners and losers even when its not picking winners and losers. Not trying to be cute but the idea that there is a market outside of government is naive libertarian nonsense. Here are just a few things that can’t stand on their own Airlines and rural highways. Well highways period because if…
Right, I mean the ultimate capital cost for the NEC is the implementation is the NEC Vision plan, which is expected to cost around $200B with completion in 2040. Even assuming there will be a continuing upward trend in ridership (and there should be, the Acela is competitive with air travel now, and would be much…
It’s funny how many supposed republicans are for states rights, except when the states want to do something they don’t like.
In the S2000, the heater will burn your legs off. I swap the studded tires on, put the top down, strap my snowboard in the passenger seat, and fucking live.
Oh it definitely is. Her father has a C5, with a tape deck I believe!
The cars cannot be sold at all unless they’ve been outfitted with an approved emissions modification (approved by the EPA/CARB).
This car is belong to us.
News just in: Making cars is harder than making a phone!