VW miles = dog years

Doribax is referring to conservative efforts to resist and undermine the implementation of the Supreme Court’s “right to marriage” decision in Obergefell, not the Supreme Court being influenced by the legislature. While the Supreme Court “does not exist to legislate,” it sure comes close sometimes. The erosion of Roe

A president-elect saying anything in public, let alone tweeting on public policy, is news.

Agree 100%, but if someone talks trash on Philly sandwiches, I have to come down hard, especially because the best sandwich in Maryland comes from any given Wawa (which is good, but not a particularly high bar, and a PA export to boot), and NJ’s sandwiches quickly become garbage once you get away from the NYC/Philly

As The Sandwich Capitol of the World, if you don’t like Philly’s sandwiches, you probably just don’t like sandwiches. However, the same can’t be said for the rest of the state: once you leave Philly and it’s immediate surroundings, the sandwich quality goes downhill alarmingly fast (at least until you get to New

I understand that, but to clarify, I think that if you’re putting mannequins in you’re car that are so lifelike, and positioned in the car to make them appear “alive” and in need of help, that emergency services feels the need to “rescue” them, then the risk falls upon the owner for any damage caused, not the city.

So when emergency services show up to a car with what reasonably appears to be a dying person in it, you want them to go “wait! Lets ensure this isn’t a mannequin!” before they attempt a rescue? Sounds like bad public policy.

I’m not saying it’s great, but have you seen the interior in any of the previous generations? This is a vast improvement.

I was thinking the same thing. Even if the inline-4 is more than capable, if I put down $65k on a luxury sedan an inline-6 is the smooth, tastefully sized engine I desire. This is particularly true since Volvo already has a great inline-6 kicking around.

And if it does so when wheel slip is the solution rather than the problem, I turn it off. At low speed in the snow or on dirt roads, traction control is often more of a hinderance than a help. I think it will be challenging to develop software that can recognize this.

There’s no assumption here: these people were crashing while braking and turning to avoid the Comcast truck. Imprudent speed may have contributed (that’s pretty much a foregone conclusion with the pickup, he’s screwed). It does not follow from the prior crash that the next three or four or five crashes would have

I think we have at least another generation of human drivers, mostly due to the existence of inclement weather, as you allude to. It’s going to be tough to duplicate human decision-making in the rain, snow, etc. (even if most U.S. drivers make shitty decisions, different issue). It’s going to be tough for autonomous

This would be a perfect first car. However, whenever I hear a car with an American V6 from anything but the current decade, it sounds like the wheezing of a dying electric motor mixed with just enough of a subdued rumble to remind you that it’s actually an engine, i.e., not good.

Yes, but cars making left turns, school buses, and cows don’t have a duty to put cones out to avoid causing accidents. The Comcast truck does, and this is why it could be held liable (to some degree, maybe not 100%). While Comcast would certainly stress the duty of the drivers to control their vehicles (which

You’re not wrong, but this is an instance where liability is in the hands of those in the best position to prevent harm. It’s pretty damning that, in all likelihood, but for the absence of cones at the crest of the hill, these accidents would not have happened. Therefore, liability falls on the person who had a duty

For those saying (or going to say) the drivers were driving too fast for conditions or had improperly inflated/bald tires, even if true, the Comcast personnel were still in the best position to prevent an easily foreseeable harm by merely placing a few cones at the crest of the hill. This doesn’t completely absolve

If this is a concern, you might want to get rid of your cell phone.

Not being familiar with the details of the settlement, are these cars destined to be scrapped? Or sent to countries where emissions are of no concern?

He should hang out with the guy who pretends to work for the MTA.

Dumb name fits dumb-looking car.

If only I had enough money to buy enough Porsches to build up the Porsche clout to buy a 918, then have enough money to actually buy a 918, so I could have the Porsche clout to have bought a 911R. So many prerequisites, and I have none.